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E1  n. (also e) (pl. Es or e's) 1 fifth letter of the alphabet. 2 mus. Third note of the diatonic scale of c major.

E2  abbr. (also e.) 1 east, eastern. 2 see *e-number.

E-  prefix see *ex-1 before some consonants.

Each  —adj. Every one of two or more persons or things, regarded separately (five in each class). —pron. Each person or thing (each of us). [old english]

Each other  pron. One another.

Each way  adj. (of a bet) backing a horse etc. To win or to come second or third.

Eager  adj. Keen, enthusiastic (eager to learn; eager for news).  eagerly adv. Eagerness n. [latin acer keen]

Eager beaver  n. Colloq. Very diligent person.

Eagle  n. 1 a large bird of prey with keen vision and powerful flight. B this as a symbol, esp. Of the us. 2 score of two strokes under par at any hole in golf. [latin aquila]Eagle eye  n. Keen sight, watchfulness.  eagle-eyed adj.

Eaglet  n. Young eagle.

E. & o. E.  Abbr. Errors and omissions excepted.

Ear1  n. 1 organ of hearing, esp. Its external part. 2 faculty for discriminating sounds (an ear for music).  3 attention, esp. Sympathetic (give ear to; have a person's ear).  all ears listening attentively. Have (or keep) an ear to the ground be alert to rumours or trends. Up to one's ears (often foll. By in) colloq. Deeply involved or occupied. [old english]

Ear2  n. Seed-bearing head of a cereal plant. [old english]

Earache  n. Pain in the inner ear.

Eardrum  n. Membrane of the middle ear.

Earful  n. (pl. -s) colloq. 1 prolonged amount of talking. 2 strong reprimand.

Earl  n. British nobleman ranking between marquis and viscount.  earldom n. [old english]

Earl marshal  n. President of the college of heralds, with ceremonial duties.

Early  —adj. & adv. (-ier, -iest) 1 before the due, usual, or expected time. 2 a not far on in the day or night, or in time (early evening; at the earliest opportunity). B prompt (early payment appreciated). 3 not far on in a period, development, or process of evolution; being the first stage (early english architecture; early spring). 4 forward in flowering, ripening, etc. (early peaches). —n. (pl. -ies) (usu. In pl.) Early fruit or vegetable.  earliness n. [old english: related to *ere]

Early bird  n. Colloq. Person who arrives, gets up, etc. Early.

Early days  n.pl. Too soon to expect results etc.

Early on  adv. At an early stage.

Earmark  —v. Set aside for a special purpose. —n. Identifying mark.

Earn  v. 1 bring in as income or interest. 2 be entitled to or obtain as the reward for work or merit.  earner n. [old english]

Earnest  adj. Intensely serious.  in earnest serious, seriously, with determination.  earnestly adv. Earnestness n. [old english]

Earnings  n.pl. Money earned.

Earphone  n. Device applied to the ear to receive a radio etc. Communication.

Earpiece  n. Part of a telephone etc. Applied to the ear.

Ear-piercing  —adj. Shrill. —n. Piercing of the ears for wearing earrings.

Earplug  n. Piece of wax etc. Placed in the ear to protect against water, noise, etc.

Earring  n. Jewellery worn on the ear.

Earshot  n. Hearing-range (within earshot).

Ear-splitting  adj. Excessively loud.

Earth  —n. 1 a (also earth) the planet on which we live. B land and sea, as distinct from sky. 2 a the ground (fell to earth). B soil, mould. 3 relig. This world, as distinct from heaven or hell. 4 connection to the earth as the completion of an electrical circuit. 5 hole of a fox etc. 6 (prec. By the) colloq. Huge sum; everything (cost the earth; want the earth). —v. 1 cover (plant-roots) with earth. 2 connect (an electrical circuit) to the earth.  come back (or down) to earth return to realities. Gone to earth in hiding. On earth colloq. Existing anywhere; emphatically (the happiest man on earth; looked like nothing on earth; what on earth have you done?). Run to earth find after a long search.  earthward adj. & adv. Earthwards adv. [old english]

Earthbound  adj. 1 attached to the earth or earthly things. 2 moving towards the earth.

Earthen  adj. Made of earth or baked clay.

Earthenware  n. Pottery made of fired clay.


Earthling  n. Inhabitant of the earth, esp. In science fiction.


Earthly  adj. 1 of the earth or human life on it; terrestrial. 2 (usu. With neg.) Colloq. Remotely possible (is no earthly use; there wasn't an earthly reason).  not an earthly colloq. No chance or idea whatever.


Earth mother  n. Sensual and maternal woman.


Earthquake  n. Convulsion of the earth's surface as a result of faults in strata or volcanic action.

Earth sciences  n.pl. Those concerned with the earth or part of it.


Earth-shattering  adj. Colloq. Traumatic, devastating.  earth-shatteringly adv.


Earthwork  n. Artificial bank of earth in fortification or road-building etc.


Earthworm  n. Common worm living in the ground.


Earthy  adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of or like earth or soil. 2 coarse, crude (earthy humour).  earthiness n.


Ear-trumpet  n. Trumpet-shaped device formerly used as a hearing-aid.


Earwig  n. Small insect with pincers at its rear end. [from *ear1, because they were once thought to enter the head through the ear]

Ease  —n. 1 facility, effortlessness. 2 a freedom from pain or trouble. B freedom from constraint. —v. (-sing) 1 relieve from pain or anxiety. 2 (often foll. By off, up) a become less burdensome or severe. B begin to take it easy. C slow down; moderate one's behaviour etc. 3 a relax; slacken; make a less tight fit. B move or be moved carefully into place (eased it into position).  at ease 1 free from anxiety or constraint. 2 mil. In a relaxed attitude, with the feet apart. [latin: related to *adjacent]

Easel  n. Stand for an artist's work, a blackboard, etc. [dutch ezel ass]

Easement  n. Legal right of way or similar right over another's land. [french: related to *ease]

Easily  adv. 1 without difficulty. 2 by far (easily the best). 3 very probably (it could easily snow).


East  —n. 1 a point of the horizon where the sun rises at the equinoxes. B compass point corresponding to this. C direction in which this lies. 2 (usu. The east) a countries to the east of europe. B states of eastern europe. 3 eastern part of a country, town, etc. —adj. 1 towards, at, near, or facing the east. 2 from the east (east wind). —adv. 1 towards, at, or near the east. 2 (foll. By of) further east than.  to the east (often foll. By of) in an easterly direction. [old english]

Eastbound  adj. Travelling or leading eastwards.


East end  n. Part of london east of the city.  east ender n.


Easter  n. Festival (held on a variable sunday in march or april) commemorating christ's resurrection. [old english]

Easter egg  n. Artificial usu. Chocolate egg given at easter.


Easterly  —adj. & adv. 1 in an eastern position or direction. 2 (of a wind) from the east. —n. (pl. -ies) such a wind.


Eastern  adj. Of or in the east.  easternmost adj.


Eastern church  n. Orthodox church.


Easterner  n. Native or inhabitant of the east.


East-north-east  n. Point or direction midway between east and north-east.


East-south-east  n. Point or direction midway between east and south-east.


Eastward  —adj. & adv. (also eastwards) towards the east. —n. Eastward direction or region.


Easy  —adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 not difficult; not requiring great effort. 2 free from pain, trouble, or anxiety. 3 free from constraint; relaxed and pleasant. 4 compliant. —adv. With ease; in an effortless or relaxed manner. —int. Go or move carefully.  easy on the eye (or ear etc.) Colloq. Pleasant to look at (or listen to etc.). Go easy (foll. By with, on) be sparing or cautious. I'm easy colloq. I have no preference. Take it easy 1 proceed gently. 2 relax; work less.  easiness n. [french: related to *ease]

Easy chair  n. Large comfortable armchair.


Easygoing  adj. Placid and tolerant.


Easy street  n. Colloq. Affluence.


Eat  —v. (past ate; past part. Eaten) 1 a take into the mouth, chew, and swallow (food). B consume food; take a meal. C devour (eaten by a lion). 2 (foll. By away, at, into) a destroy gradually, esp. By corrosion, disease, etc. B begin to consume or diminish (resources etc.). 3 colloq. Trouble, vex (what's eating you?). —n. (in pl.) Colloq. Food.  eat one's heart out suffer from excessive longing or envy. Eat out have a meal away from home, esp. In a restaurant. Eat up 1 eat completely.

Eatable  —adj. Fit to be eaten. —n. (usu. In pl.) Food.


Eater  n. 1 person who eats (a big eater). 2 eating apple etc.


Eating apple  etc. N. Apple etc. Suitable for eating raw.


Eau-de-cologne  n. Toilet water orig. From cologne. [french, = water of cologne]

Eaves  n.pl. Underside of a projecting roof. [old english]

Eavesdrop  v. (-pp-) listen to a private conversation.  eavesdropper n.


Ebb  —n. Movement of the tide out to sea. —v. (often foll. By away) 1 flow out to sea; recede. 2 decline (life was ebbing away). [old english]

Ebonite  n. Vulcanite. [from *ebony]

Ebony  —n. Heavy hard dark wood of a tropical tree. —adj. 1 made of ebony. 2 black like ebony. [greek ebenos ebony tree]

Ebullient  adj. Exuberant.  ebullience n. Ebulliency n. Ebulliently adv. [latin: related to *boil1]

Ec  abbr. 1 east central. 2 european community.


Eccentric  —adj. 1 odd or capricious in behaviour or appearance. 2 (also excentric) a not placed, not having its axis placed, centrally. B (often foll. By to) (of a circle) not concentric (to another). C (of an orbit) not circular. —n. 1 eccentric person. 2 disc at the end of a shaft for changing rotatory into backward-and-forward motion.  eccentrically adv. Eccentricity n. [greek: related to *centre]

Eccles cake  n. Round cake of pastry filled with currants etc. [eccles in n. England]

Ecclesiastic  —n. Clergyman. —adj. = *ecclesiastical. [greek ekklesia church]

Ecclesiastical  adj. Of the church or clergy.


Ecg  abbr. Electrocardiogram.


Echelon  n. 1 level in an organization, in society, etc.; those occupying it (often in pl.: upper echelons). 2 wedge-shaped formation of troops, aircraft, etc. [french, = ladder, from latin scala]

Echidna  n. Australian egg-laying spiny mammal. [greek, = viper]

Echinoderm  n. (usu. Spiny) sea animal of the group including the starfish and sea urchin. [greek ekhinos sea-urchin, derma skin]

Echo  —n. (pl. -es) 1 a repetition of a sound by the reflection of sound waves. B sound so produced. 2 reflected radio or radar beam. 3 close imitation or imitator. 4 circumstance or event reminiscent of an earlier one. —v. (-es, -ed) 1 a (of a place) resound with an echo. B (of a sound) be repeated; resound. 2 repeat (a sound) thus. 3 a repeat (another's words). B imitate the opinions etc. Of. [latin from greek]

Echo chamber  n. Enclosure with sound-reflecting walls.


Echoic  adj. (of a word) onomatopoeic.


Echolocation  n. Location of objects by reflected sound.


Echo-sounder  n. Depth-sounding device using timed echoes.


Echt  adj. Genuine. [german]

?clair  n. Small elongated iced cake of choux pastry filled with cream. [french, = lightning]

Eclampsia  n. Convulsive condition occurring esp. In pregnant women. [ultimately from greek]

?clat  n. 1 brilliant display. 2 social distinction; conspicuous success. [french]

Eclectic  —adj. Selecting ideas, style, etc., from various sources. —n. Eclectic person or philosopher.  eclectically adv. Eclecticism n. [greek eklego pick out]

Eclipse  —n. 1 obscuring of light from one heavenly body by another. 2 loss of light, importance, or prominence. —v. (-sing) 1 (of a heavenly body) cause the eclipse of (another). 2 intercept (light). 3 outshine, surpass. [greek ekleipsis]Ecliptic  n. Sun's apparent path among the stars during the year.


Eclogue  n. Short pastoral poem. [greek: related to *eclectic]

Eco-  comb. Form ecology, ecological (ecoclimate).


Ecology  n. 1 the study of the relations of organisms to one another and to their surroundings. 2 the study of the interaction of people with their environment.  ecological adj. Ecologically adv. Ecologist n. [greek oikos house]

Economic  adj. 1 of economics. 2 profitable (not economic to run buses on a sunday). 3 connected with trade and industry (economic geography).  economically adv. [greek: related to *economy]

Economical  adj. Sparing; avoiding waste.  economically adv.


Economics  n.pl. (as sing.) 1 science of the production and distribution of wealth. 2 application of this to a particular subject (the economics of publishing).


Economist  n. Expert on or student of economics.


Economize  v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) 1 be economical; make economies; reduce expenditure. 2 (foll. By on) use sparingly.


Economy  n. (pl. -ies) 1 a community's system of wealth creation. B particular kind of this (a capitalist economy). C administration or condition of this. 2 a careful management of (esp. Financial) resources; frugality. B instance of this (made many economies). 3 sparing or careful use (economy of language). [greek oikonomia household management]

Economy class  n. Cheapest class of air travel.


Economy-size  adj. (of goods) consisting of a larger quantity for a proportionally lower cost.


Ecosystem  n. Biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.


Ecstasy  n. (pl. -ies) 1 overwhelming joy or rapture. 2 slang type of hallucinogenic drug.  ecstatic adj. Ecstatically adv. [greek ekstasis standing outside oneself]

Ect  abbr. Electroconvulsive therapy.


Ecto-  comb. Form outside. [greek ektos]

Ectomorph  n. Person with a lean body. [greek morphe form]

-ectomy  comb. Form denoting the surgical removal of part of the body (appendectomy). [greek ektome excision]

Ectoplasm  n. Supposed viscous substance exuding from the body of a spiritualistic medium during a trance. [from *ecto-, *plasma]

Ecu  n. (also ecu) (pl. -s) european currency unit. [abbreviation]

Ecumenical  adj. 1 of or representing the whole christian world. 2 seeking worldwide christian unity.  ecumenically adv. Ecumenism n. [greek oikoumenikos of the inhabited earth]

Eczema  n. Inflammation of the skin, with itching and discharge. [latin from greek]

Ed.  Abbr. 1 edited by. 2 edition. 3 editor. 4 educated.


-ed1  suffix forming adjectives: 1 from nouns, meaning ‘having, wearing, etc.’ (talented; trousered). 2 from phrases of adjective and noun (good-humoured). [old english]

-ed2  suffix forming: 1 past tense and past participle of weak verbs (needed). 2 participial adjectives (escaped prisoner). [old english]

Edam  n. Round dutch cheese with a red rind. [edam in holland]

Eddy  —n. (pl. -ies) 1 circular movement of water causing a small whirlpool. 2 movement of wind, smoke, etc. Resembling this. —v. (-ies, -ied) whirl round in eddies. [old english ed- again, back]

Edelweiss  n. Alpine plant with white flowers. [german, = noble-white]

Edema  n. (brit. Oedema) accumulation of excess fluid in body tissues, causing swelling. [greek oideo swell]

Eden  n. Place or state of great happiness, with reference to the abode of adam and eve at the creation. [hebrew, originally = delight]

Edentate  —adj. Having no or few teeth. —n. Such a mammal. [latin dens dent- tooth]Edge  —n. 1 boundary-line or margin of an area or surface. 2 narrow surface of a thin object. 3 meeting-line of surfaces. 4 a sharpened side of a blade. B sharpness. 5 brink of a precipice. 6 edge-like thing, esp. The crest of a ridge. 7 effectiveness, incisiveness; excitement. —v. (-ging) 1 advance, esp. Gradually or furtively. 2 a provide with an edge or border. B form a border to. 3 sharpen (a tool etc.).  have the edge on (or over) have a slight advantage over. On edge tense and irritable. Set a person's teeth on edge (of taste or sound) cause an unpleasant nervous sensation. Take the edge off make less intense. [old english]

Edgeways  adv. (also edgewise) with edge uppermost or foremost.  get a word in edgeways contribute to a conversation when the dominant speaker pauses.


Edging  n. Thing forming an edge or border.


Edgy  adj. (-ier, -iest) irritable; anxious.  edgily adv. Edginess n.


Edible  adj. Fit to be eaten.  edibility n. [latin edo eat]

Edict  n. Order proclaimed by authority. [latin edico proclaim]

Edifice  n. Building, esp. An imposing one. [latin aedis dwelling]

Edify  v. (-ies, -ied) improve morally or intellectually.  edification n. [latin aedifico build]

Edit  v. (-t-) 1 assemble, prepare, or modify (written material for publication). 2 be editor of (a newspaper etc.). 3 take extracts from and collate (a film etc.) To form a unified sequence. 4 a prepare (data) for processing by a computer. B alter (a text entered in a word processor etc.). 5 a reword in order to correct, or to alter the emphasis. B (foll. By out) remove (a part) from a text etc. [latin edo edit- give out]

Edition  n. 1 edited or published form of a book etc. 2 copies of a book, newspaper, etc. Issued at one time. 3 instance of a regular broadcast. 4 person or thing similar to another (a miniature edition of her mother).


Editor  n. 1 person who edits. 2 person who directs the preparation of a newspaper or broadcast news programme or a particular section of one (sports editor). 3 person who selects or commissions material for publication. 4 computer program for entering and modifying textual data.  editorship n.


Editorial  —adj. 1 of editing or editors. 2 written or approved by an editor. —n. Article giving a newspaper's views on a current topic.  editorially adv.


Edp  abbr. Electronic data processing.


Educate  v. (-ting) 1 give intellectual, moral, and social instruction to. 2 provide education for.  educable adj. Educability n. Educative adj. Educator n. [latin educo -are rear]

Educated  adj. 1 having had an (esp. Good) education. 2 resulting from this (educated accent). 3 based on experience or study (educated guess).


Education  n. 1 systematic instruction. 2 particular kind of or stage in education (a classical education; further education). 3 development of character or mental powers.  educational adj. Educationally adv.


Educationist  n. (also educationalist) expert in educational methods.


Educe  v. (-cing) literary bring out or develop from latency.  eduction n. [latin educo -ere draw out]

Edwardian  —adj. Of or characteristic of the reign of edward vii (1901–10). —n. Person of this period.


-ee  suffix forming nouns denoting: 1 person affected by the verbal action (employee; payee). 2 person concerned with or described as (absentee; refugee). 3 object of smaller size (bootee). [french -? in past part.]

Eec  abbr. European economic community.


Usage  ec is the more correct term.


Eeg  abbr. Electroencephalogram.


Eel  n. Snakelike fish. [old english]

-eer  suffix forming: 1 nouns meaning ‘person concerned with’ (auctioneer). 2 verbs meaning ‘be concerned with’ (electioneer). [french -ier from latin -arius]

Eerie  adj. (eerier, eeriest) gloomy and strange; weird (eerie silence).  eerily adv. Eeriness n. [old english]

Ef-  see *ex-1.

Efface  v. (-cing) 1 rub or wipe out (a mark, recollection, etc.). 2 surpass, eclipse. 3 refl. (usu. As self-effacing adj.) Treat oneself as unimportant.  effacement n. [french: related to *face]

Effect  —n. 1 result or consequence of an action etc. 2 efficacy (had little effect). 3 impression produced on a spectator, hearer, etc. (lights gave a pretty effect; said it just for effect). 4 (in pl.) Property. 5 (in pl.) Lighting, sound, etc., giving realism to a play, film, etc. 6 physical phenomenon (doppler effect; greenhouse effect). —v. Bring about (a change, cure, etc.).  bring (or carry) into effect accomplish. Give effect to make operative. In effect for practical purposes. Take effect become operative. To the effect that the gist being that. To that effect having that result or implication. With effect from coming into operation at (a stated time). [latin: related to *fact]

Usage  effect should not be confused with affect which, as a verb, has more meanings and is more common, but which does not exist as a noun.


Effective  adj. 1 producing the intended result. 2 impressive, striking. 3 actual, existing. 4 operative.  effectively adv. Effectiveness n.


Effectual  adj. 1 producing the required effect. 2 valid.  effectually adv.


Effeminate  adj. (of a man) womanish in appearance or manner.  effeminacy n. Effeminately adv. [latin femina woman]

Effervesce  v. (-cing) 1 give off bubbles of gas. 2 be lively.  effervescence n. Effervescent adj. [latin: related to *fervent]

Effete  adj. Feeble, lanquid; effeminate.  effeteness n. [latin]

Efficacious  adj. Producing the desired effect.  efficacy n. [latin efficax: related to *efficient]

Efficient  adj. 1 productive with minimum waste or effort. 2 (of a person) capable; acting effectively.  efficiency n. Efficiently adv. [latin facio make]

Effigy  n. (pl. -ies) sculpture or model of a person.  burn in effigy burn a model of a person. [latin effigies from fingo fashion]

Effloresce  v. (-cing) 1 burst into flower. 2 a (of a substance) turn to a fine powder on exposure to air. B (of salts) come to the surface and crystallize. C (of a surface) become covered with salt particles.  efflorescence n. Efflorescent adj. [latin flos flor- *flower]

Effluence  n. 1 flowing out of light, electricity, etc. 2 that which flows out. [latin fluo flux- flow]

Effluent  —adj. Flowing out. —n. 1 sewage or industrial waste discharged into a river etc. 2 stream or lake flowing from a larger body of water.


Effluvium  n. (pl. -via) unpleasant or noxious outflow. [latin: related to *effluence]

Effort  n. 1 use of physical or mental energy. 2 determined attempt. 3 force exerted. 4 colloq. Something accomplished. [latin fortis strong]

Effortless  adj. Easily done, requiring no effort.  effortlessly adv. Effortlessness n.


Effrontery  n. (pl. -ies) impudent audacity. [latin frons front- forehead]

Effulgent  adj. Literary radiant.  effulgence n. [latin fulgeo shine]

Effuse  v. (-sing) 1 pour forth (liquid, light, etc.). 2 give out (ideas etc.). [latin fundo fus- pour]

Effusion  n. 1 outpouring. 2 derog. Unrestrained flow of words. [latin: related to *effuse]

Effusive  adj. Gushing, demonstrative.  effusively adv. Effusiveness n.


Efl  abbr. English as a foreign language.


Eft  n. Newt. [old english]

Efta  n. (also efta) european free trade association. [abbreviation]

E.g.  Abbr. For example. [latin exempli gratia]

Egalitarian  —adj. Of or advocating equal rights for all. —n. Egalitarian person.  egalitarianism n. [french ?gal *equal]

Egg1  n. 1 a body produced by females of birds, insects, etc. And capable of developing into a new individual. B egg of the domestic hen, used for food. 2 biol. Ovum. 3 colloq. Person or thing of a specified kind (good egg).  with egg on one's face colloq.

Egg2  v. (foll. By on) urge. [old norse: related to *edge]

Eggcup  n. Cup for holding a boiled egg.


Egg-flip  n. (also egg-nog) drink of alcoholic spirit with beaten egg, milk, etc.


Egghead  n. Colloq. Intellectual; expert.


Eggplant  n. = *aubergine.


Eggshell  —n. Shell of an egg. —adj. 1 (of china) thin and fragile. 2 (of paint) with a slight gloss.


Egg-white  n. White part round the yolk of an egg.


Eglantine  n. Sweet-brier. [latin acus needle]

Ego  n. (pl. -s) 1 the self; the part of the mind that reacts to reality and has a sense of individuality. 2 self-esteem; self-conceit. [latin, = i]

Egocentric  adj. Self-centred.


Egoism  n. 1 self-interest as the moral basis of behaviour. 2 systematic selfishness. 3 = *egotism.  egoist n. Egoistic adj. Egoistical adj. Egoistically adv.


Usage  the senses of egoism and egotism overlap, but egoism alone is used as a term in philosophy and psychology to mean self-interest (often contrasted with altruism).


Egotism  n. 1 self-conceit. 2 selfishness.  egotist n. Egotistic adj. Egotistical adj. Egotistically adv.


Usage  see note at egoism.


Ego-trip  n. Colloq. Activity to boost one's own self-esteem or self-conceit.


Egregious  adj. 1 extremely bad. 2 archaic remarkable. [latin grex greg- flock]

Egress  n. Formal 1 exit. 2 right of going out. [latin egredior -gress- walk out]

Egret  n. A kind of heron with long white feathers. [french aigrette]

Egyptian  —adj. Of egypt. —n. 1 native of egypt. 2 language of the ancient egyptians.


Egyptology  n. The study of the language, history, and culture of ancient egypt.  egyptologist n.


Eh  int. Colloq. 1 expressing enquiry or surprise. 2 inviting assent. 3 asking for repetition or explanation. [instinctive exclamation]

Eider  n. Any of various large northern ducks. [icelandic]

Eiderdown  n. Quilt stuffed with soft material, esp. Down.


Eight  adj. & n. 1 one more than seven. 2 symbol for this (8, viii, viii). 3 size etc. Denoted by eight. 4 eight-oared rowing-boat or its crew. 5 eight o'clock. [old english]

Eighteen  adj. & n. 1 one more than seventeen. 2 symbol for this (18, xviii, xviii). 3 size etc. Denoted by eighteen. 4 (18) (of films) suitable only for persons of 18 years and over.  eighteenth adj. & n. [old english]

Eightfold  adj. & adv. 1 eight times as much or as many. 2 consisting of eight parts.


Eighth  adj. & n. 1 next after seventh. 2 one of eight equal parts of a thing.  eighthly adv.


Eightsome  n. (in full eightsome reel) lively scottish dance for eight people.


Eighty  adj. & n. (pl. -ies) 1 eight times ten. 2 symbol for this (80, lxxx, lxxx). 3 (in pl.) Numbers from 80 to 89, esp. The years of a century or of a person's life.  eightieth adj. & n. [old english]

Einsteinium  n. Artificial radioactive metallic element. [einstein, name of a physicist]

Eisteddfod  n. Congress of welsh poets and musicians; festival for musical competitions etc. [welsh]

Either  —adj. & pron. 1 one or the other of two (either of you can go; you may have either book). 2 each of two (houses on either side of the road). —adv. & conj. 1 as one possibility (is either right or wrong). 2 as one choice or alternative; which way you will (either come in or go out). 3 (with neg.) A any more than the other (if you do not go, i shall not either). B moreover (there is no time to lose, either). [old english]

Ejaculate  v. (-ting) (also absol.) 1 exclaim. 2 emit (semen) in orgasm.  ejaculation n. Ejaculatory adj. [latin ejaculor dart out]Eject  v. 1 expel, compel to leave. 2 (of a pilot etc.) Cause oneself to be propelled from an aircraft as an emergency measure. 3 cause to be removed, drop out, or pop up automatically from a gun, cassette-player, etc. 4 dispossess (a tenant). 5 emit, send out.  ejection n. [latin ejicio eject- throw out]

Ejector  n. Device for ejecting.


Ejector seat  n. Device in an aircraft for the emergency ejection of a pilot etc.


Eke  v. (eking)  eke out 1 supplement (income etc.). 2 make (a living) or support (an existence) with difficulty. [old english]

Elaborate  —adj. 1 minutely worked out. 2 complicated. —v. (-ting) work out or explain in detail.  elaborately adv. Elaborateness n. Elaboration n. [latin: related to *labour]

?lan  n. Vivacity, dash. [french]

Eland  n. (pl. Same or -s) large african antelope. [dutch]

Elapse  v. (-sing) (of time) pass by. [latin elabor elaps- slip away]

Elastic  —adj. 1 able to resume its normal bulk or shape after contraction, dilation, or distortion. 2 springy. 3 flexible, adaptable. —n. Elastic cord or fabric, usu. Woven with strips of rubber.  elastically adv. Elasticity n. [greek elastikos propulsive]

Elasticated  adj. (of fabric) made elastic by weaving with rubber thread.


Elastic band  n. = *rubber band.


Elastomer  n. Natural or synthetic rubber or rubber-like plastic. [from *elastic, after isomer]

Elate  v. (-ting) (esp. As elated adj.) Make delighted or proud.  elatedly adv. Elation n. [latin effero elat- raise]

Elbow  —n. 1 a joint between the forearm and the upper arm. B part of a sleeve covering the elbow. 2 elbow-shaped bend etc. —v. (foll. By in, out, aside, etc.) 1 jostle or thrust (a person or oneself). 2 make (one's way) thus.  give a person the elbow colloq. Dismiss or reject a person.  [old english: related to *ell, *bow1]

Elbow-grease  n. Colloq. Vigorous polishing; hard work.


Elbow-room  n. Sufficient room to move or work in.


Elder1  —attrib. Adj. (of persons, esp. When related) senior; of greater age. —n. 1 older of two persons (is my elder by ten years). 2 (in pl.) Persons of greater age or venerable because of age. 3 official in the early christian church and some modern churches. [old english: related to *old]

Elder2  n. Tree with white flowers and dark berries. [old english]

Elderberry  n. (pl. -ies) berry of the elder tree.


Elderly  adj. Rather old; past middle age.


Elder statesman  n. Influential experienced older person, esp. A politician.


Eldest  adj. First-born; oldest surviving.


Eldorado  n. (pl. -s) 1 imaginary land of great wealth. 2 place of abundance or opportunity. [spanish el dorado the gilded]

Elecampane  n. Plant with bitter aromatic leaves and roots. [latin enula this plant, campana of the fields]

Elect  —v. (usu. Foll. By to + infin.) 1 choose. 2 choose by voting. —adj. 1 chosen. 2 select, choice. 3 (after the noun) chosen but not yet in office (president elect). [latin eligo elect- pick out]

Election  n. 1 electing or being elected. 2 occasion of this.


Electioneer  v. Take part in an election campaign.


Elective  adj. 1 chosen by or derived from election. 2 (of a body) having the power to elect. 3 optional, not urgently necessary.


Elector  n. 1 person who has the right to vote in an election. 2 (elector) hist. (in the holy roman empire) any of the german princes entitled to elect the emperor.  electoral adj.


Electorate  n. 1 body of all electors. 2 hist. Office or territories of a german elector.


Electric  —adj. 1 of, worked by, or charged with electricity; producing or capable of generating electricity. 2 causing or charged with excitement. —n. (in pl.) Colloq. Electrical equipment. [greek elektron amber]

Electrical  adj. Of electricity.  electrically adv.


Electric blanket  n. Blanket heated by an internal electric element.

Electric chair  n. Electrified chair used for capital punishment.


Electric eel  n. Eel-like fish able to give an electric shock.


Electric eye  n. Colloq. Photoelectric cell operating a relay when a beam of light is broken.


Electric fire  n. Electrically operated portable domestic heater.


Electric guitar  n. Guitar with a solid body and built-in pick-up rather than a soundbox.


Electrician  n. Person who installs or maintains electrical equipment for a living.


Electricity  n. 1 form of energy occurring in elementary particles (electrons, protons, etc.) And hence in larger bodies containing them. 2 science of electricity. 3 supply of electricity. 4 excitement.


Electric shock  n. Effect of a sudden discharge of electricity through the body of a person etc.


Electrify  v. (-ies, -ied) 1 charge with electricity. 2 convert to the use of electric power. 3 cause sudden excitement (news was electrifying).  electrification n.


Electro-  comb. Form of, by, or caused by electricity.


Electrocardiogram  n. Record traced by an electrocardiograph. [german: related to *electro-]

Electrocardiograph  n. Instrument recording the electric currents generated by a heartbeat.


Electroconvulsive  adj. (of therapy) using convulsive response to electric shocks.


Electrocute  v. (-ting) kill by electric shock.  electrocution n. [from *electro-, after execute]

Electrode  n. Conductor through which electricity enters or leaves an electrolyte, gas, vacuum, etc. [from *electric, greek hodos way]

Electrodynamics  n.pl. (usu. Treated as sing.) The study of electricity in motion.  electrodynamic adj.


Electroencephalogram  n. Record traced by an electroencephalograph. [german: related to *electro-]

Electroencephalograph  n. Instrument that records the electrical activity of the brain.


Electrolyse  v. (us -yze) (-sing, us -zing) subject to or treat by electrolysis.


Electrolysis  n. 1 chemical decomposition by electric action. 2 destruction of tumours, hair-roots, etc., by this process.  electrolytic adj.


Electrolyte  n. 1 solution able to conduct electricity, esp. In an electric cell or battery. 2 substance that can dissolve to produce this.


Electrolyze  v. (brit. -yse) (-zing, brit. -sing) subject to or treat by electrolysis.


Electromagnet  n. Soft metal core made into a magnet by passing an electric current through a coil surrounding it.


Electromagnetic  adj. Having both electrical and magnetic properties.  electromagnetically adv.


Electromagnetism  n. 1 magnetic forces produced by electricity. 2 the study of these.


Electromotive  adj. Producing or tending to produce an electric current.


Electromotive force  n. Force set up in an electric circuit by a difference in potential.


Electron  n. Stable elementary particle with a charge of negative electricity, found in all atoms and acting as the primary carrier of electricity in solids.


Electronic  adj. 1 a produced by or involving the flow of electrons. B of electrons or electronics. 2 (of music) produced by electronic means and usu. Recorded on tape.  electronically adv.


Electronic mail  n. The sending of messages by a computer system; such messages.


Electronics  n.pl. (treated as sing.) Science of the movement of electrons in a vacuum, gas, semiconductor, etc., esp. In devices in which the flow is controlled and utilized.


Electronic tagging  n. The attaching of electronic markers to people or goods, enabling them to be tracked down.


Electron lens  n. Device for focusing a stream of electrons by means of electric or magnetic fields.


Electron microscope  n. Microscope with high magnification and resolution, using electron beams instead of light.


Electronvolt  n. A unit of energy, the amount gained by an electron when accelerated through a potential difference of one volt.

Electroplate  —v. (-ting) coat with a thin layer of chromium, silver, etc., by electrolysis. —n. Electroplated articles.


Electroscope  n. Instrument for detecting and measuring electricity, esp. As an indication of the ionization of air by radioactivity.  electroscopic adj.


Electro-shock  attrib. Adj. (of therapy) by means of electric shocks.


Electrostatics  n.pl. (treated as sing.) The study of electricity at rest.


Electrotechnology  n. Science of the application of electricity in technology.


Electrotherapy  n. Treatment of diseases by use of electricity.


Elegant  adj. 1 tasteful, refined, graceful. 2 ingeniously simple.  elegance n. Elegantly adv. [latin: related to *elect]

Elegiac  —adj. 1 used for elegies. 2 mournful. —n. (in pl.) Elegiac verses.  elegiacally adv.


Elegy  n. (pl. -ies) 1 sorrowful poem or song, esp. For the dead. 2 poem in elegiac metre. [latin from greek]

Element  n. 1 component part; contributing factor. 2 any of the substances that cannot be resolved by chemical means into simpler substances. 3 a any of the four substances (earth, water, air, and fire) in ancient and medieval philosophy. B a being's natural abode or environment. 4 electr. Wire that heats up in an electric heater, kettle, etc. 5 (in pl.) Atmospheric agencies, esp. Wind and storm. 6 (in pl.) Rudiments of learning or of an art etc. 7 (in pl.) Bread and wine of the eucharist.  in one's element in one's preferred situation, doing what one does well and enjoys. [french from latin]

Elemental  adj. 1 of or like the elements or the forces of nature; powerful. 2 essential, basic.


Elementary  adj. 1 dealing with the simplest facts of a subject. 2 unanalysable.


Elementary particle  n. Physics subatomic particle, esp. One not known to consist of simpler ones.


Elephant  n. (pl. Same or -s) largest living land animal, with a trunk and ivory tusks. [greek elephas]

Elephantiasis  n. Skin disease causing gross enlargement of limbs etc.


Elephantine  adj. 1 of elephants. 2 a huge. B clumsy.


Elevate  v. (-ting) 1 raise, lift up. 2 exalt in rank etc. 3 (usu. As elevated adj.) Raise morally or intellectually. [latin levo lift]

Elevation  n. 1 a elevating or being elevated. B angle with the horizontal. C height above sea level etc. D high position. 2 drawing or diagram showing one side of a building.


Elevator  n. 1 us lift. 2 movable part of a tailplane for changing an aircraft's altitude. 3 hoisting machine.


Eleven  adj. & n. 1 one more than ten. 2 symbol for this (11, xi, xi). 3 size etc. Denoted by eleven. 4 team of eleven players at cricket, football, etc. 5 eleven o'clock. [old english]

Elevenfold  adj. & adv. 1 eleven times as much or as many. 2 consisting of eleven parts.


Eleven-plus  n. Esp. Hist. Examination taken at age 11–12 to determine the type of secondary school a child would enter.


Elevenses  n. Colloq. Light refreshment taken at about 11 a.m.


Eleventh  adj. & n. 1 next after tenth. 2 each of eleven equal parts of a thing.  eleventh hour last possible moment.


Elf  n. (pl. Elves) mythological being, esp. One that is small and mischievous.  elfish adj. Elvish adj. [old english]

Elfin  adj. Of elves; elflike.


Elicit  v. (-t-) draw out (facts, a response, etc.), esp. With difficulty. [latin elicio]

Elide  v. (-ding) omit (a vowel or syllable) in pronunciation. [latin elido elis- crush out]

Eligible  adj. 1 (often foll. By for) fit or entitled to be chosen (eligible for a rebate). 2 desirable or suitable, esp. For marriage.  eligibility n. [latin: related to *elect]

Electroplate  —v. (-ting) coat with a thin layer of chromium, silver, etc., by electrolysis. —n. Electroplated articles.


Electroscope  n. Instrument for detecting and measuring electricity, esp. As an indication of the ionization of air by radioactivity.  electroscopic adj.


Electro-shock  attrib. Adj. (of therapy) by means of electric shocks.


Electrostatics  n.pl. (treated as sing.) The study of electricity at rest.


Electrotechnology  n. Science of the application of electricity in technology.


Electrotherapy  n. Treatment of diseases by use of electricity.


Elegant  adj. 1 tasteful, refined, graceful. 2 ingeniously simple.  elegance n. Elegantly adv. [latin: related to *elect]

Elegiac  —adj. 1 used for elegies. 2 mournful. —n. (in pl.) Elegiac verses.  elegiacally adv.


Elegy  n. (pl. -ies) 1 sorrowful poem or song, esp. For the dead. 2 poem in elegiac metre. [latin from greek]

Element  n. 1 component part; contributing factor. 2 any of the substances that cannot be resolved by chemical means into simpler substances. 3 a any of the four substances (earth, water, air, and fire) in ancient and medieval philosophy. B a being's natural abode or environment. 4 electr. Wire that heats up in an electric heater, kettle, etc. 5 (in pl.) Atmospheric agencies, esp. Wind and storm. 6 (in pl.) Rudiments of learning or of an art etc. 7 (in pl.) Bread and wine of the eucharist.  in one's element in one's preferred situation, doing what one does well and enjoys. [french from latin]

Elemental  adj. 1 of or like the elements or the forces of nature; powerful. 2 essential, basic.


Elementary  adj. 1 dealing with the simplest facts of a subject. 2 unanalysable.


Elementary particle  n. Physics subatomic particle, esp. One not known to consist of simpler ones.


Elephant  n. (pl. Same or -s) largest living land animal, with a trunk and ivory tusks. [greek elephas]

Elephantiasis  n. Skin disease causing gross enlargement of limbs etc.


Elephantine  adj. 1 of elephants. 2 a huge. B clumsy.


Elevate  v. (-ting) 1 raise, lift up. 2 exalt in rank etc. 3 (usu. As elevated adj.) Raise morally or intellectually. [latin levo lift]

Elevation  n. 1 a elevating or being elevated. B angle with the horizontal. C height above sea level etc. D high position. 2 drawing or diagram showing one side of a building.


Elevator  n. 1 us lift. 2 movable part of a tailplane for changing an aircraft's altitude. 3 hoisting machine.


Eleven  adj. & n. 1 one more than ten. 2 symbol for this (11, xi, xi). 3 size etc. Denoted by eleven. 4 team of eleven players at cricket, football, etc. 5 eleven o'clock. [old english]

Elevenfold  adj. & adv. 1 eleven times as much or as many. 2 consisting of eleven parts.


Eleven-plus  n. Esp. Hist. Examination taken at age 11–12 to determine the type of secondary school a child would enter.


Elevenses  n. Colloq. Light refreshment taken at about 11 a.m.


Eleventh  adj. & n. 1 next after tenth. 2 each of eleven equal parts of a thing.  eleventh hour last possible moment.


Elf  n. (pl. Elves) mythological being, esp. One that is small and mischievous.  elfish adj. Elvish adj. [old english]

Elfin  adj. Of elves; elflike.


Elicit  v. (-t-) draw out (facts, a response, etc.), esp. With difficulty. [latin elicio]

Elide  v. (-ding) omit (a vowel or syllable) in pronunciation. [latin elido elis- crush out]

Eligible  adj. 1 (often foll. By for) fit or entitled to be chosen (eligible for a rebate). 2 desirable or suitable, esp. For marriage.  eligibility n. [latin: related to *elect]

Eliminate  v. (-ting) 1 remove, get rid of. 2 exclude from consideration. 3 exclude from a further stage of a competition through defeat etc.  elimination n. Eliminator n. [latin limen limin- threshold] (-ting) 1 remove, get rid of. 2 exclude from consideration. 3 exclude from a further stage of a competition through defeat etc.  elimination n. Eliminator n. [latin limen limin- threshold]Elision  n. Omission of a vowel or syllable in pronunciation (e.g. In we'll). [latin: related to *elide]

?lite  n. 1 (prec. By the) the best (of a group). 2 select group or class. 3 a size of letters in typewriting (12 per inch). [french: related to *elect]

?litism  n. Recourse to or advocacy of leadership or dominance by a select group.  ?litist n. & adj.


Elixir  n. 1 a alchemist's preparation supposedly able to change metals into gold or (in full elixir of life) to prolong life indefinitely. B remedy for all ills. 2 aromatic medicinal drug. [latin from arabic]

Elizabethan  —adj. Of the time of queen elizabeth i or ii. —n. Person of this time.


Elk  n. (pl. Same or -s) large deer of northern parts of europe, n. America, and asia. [old english]

Ell  n. Hist. Measure = 45 in. [old english, = forearm]

Ellipse  n. Regular oval, resulting when a cone is cut obliquely by a plane. [greek elleipsis deficit]

Ellipsis  n. (pl. Ellipses) 1 omission of words needed to complete a construction or sense. 2 set of three dots etc. Indicating omission.


Ellipsoid  n. Solid of which all the plane sections through one axis are circles and all the other plane sections are ellipses.


Elliptic  adj. (also elliptical) of or in the form of an ellipse.  elliptically adv.


Elm  n. 1 tree with rough serrated leaves. 2 its wood. [old english]

Elocution  n. Art of clear and expressive speech. [latin loquor speak]

Elongate  v. (-ting) lengthen, extend.  elongation n. [latin longus long]

Elope  v. (-ping) run away to marry secretly.  elopement n. [anglo-french]

Eloquence  n. Fluent and effective use of language. [latin loquor speak]

Eloquent  adj. 1 having eloquence. 2 (often foll. By of) expressive.  eloquently adv.


Else  adv. 1 (prec. By indefinite or interrog. Pron.) Besides (someone else; nowhere else; who else?). 2 instead (what else could i say?). 3 otherwise; if not (run, (or) else you will be late).  or else see *or1. [old english]

Elsewhere  adv. In or to some other place.


Elucidate  v. (-ting) throw light on; explain.  elucidation n. Elucidatory adj. [latin: related to *lucid]

Elude  v. (-ding) 1 escape adroitly from (danger, pursuit, etc.). 2 avoid compliance with (a law etc.) Or fulfilment of (an obligation). 3 baffle (a person or memory etc.).  elusion n. [latin ludo play]

Elusive  adj. 1 difficult to find or catch. 2 difficult to remember. 3 avoiding the point raised.  elusiveness n.


Elver  n. Young eel. [from *eel, *fare]

Elves  pl. Of *elf.


Elvish  see *elf.


Elysium  n. 1 (also elysian fields) (in greek mythology) abode of the blessed after death. 2 place of ideal happiness.  elysian adj. [latin from greek]

Em  n. Printing unit of measurement equal to the width of an m. [name of the letter m]

Em-1 ,2 see *en-1,2.


'Em  pron. Colloq. Them.


Emaciate  v. (-ting) (esp. As emaciated adj.) Make abnormally thin or feeble.  emaciation n. [latin macies leanness]

Email  n. (also e-mail) = *electronic mail.


Emanate  v. (-ting) (usu. Foll. By from) issue or originate (from a source).  emanation n. [latin mano flow]

Emancipate  v. (-ting) 1 free from social or political restraint. 2 (usu. As emancipated adj.) Free from the inhibitions of moral or social conventions. 3 free from slavery.  emancipation n. Emancipatory adj. [latin, = free from possession, from manus hand, capio take]

Emasculate  —v. (-ting) 1 deprive of force or vigour. 2 castrate. —adj. 1 deprived of force. 2 castrated. 3 effeminate.  emasculation n. [latin: related to *male]

Embalm  v. 1 preserve (a corpse) from decay. 2 preserve from oblivion. 3 make fragrant.  embalmment n. [french: related to *balm]Embankment  n. Bank constructed to keep back water or carry a road, railway, etc.


Embargo  —n. (pl. -es) 1 order forbidding foreign ships to enter, or any ships to leave, a country's ports. 2 official suspension of an activity. —v. (-es, -ed) place under embargo. [spanish: related to *bar1]

Embark  v. 1 (often foll. By for) put or go on board a ship or aircraft (to a destination). 2 (foll. By on, in) begin an enterprise.  embarkation n. (in sense 1). [french: related to *barque]

Embarrass  v. 1 make (a person) feel awkward or ashamed. 2 (as embarrassed adj.) Encumbered with debts. 3 encumber.  embarrassment n. [italian imbarrare bar in]

Embassy  n. (pl. -ies) 1 a residence or offices of an ambassador. B ambassador and staff. 2 deputation to a foreign government. [french: related to *ambassador]

Embattled  adj. 1 prepared or arrayed for battle. 2 fortified with battlements. 3 under heavy attack or in trying circumstances.


Embed  v. (also imbed) (-dd-) (esp. As embedded adj.) Fix firmly in a surrounding mass.


Embellish  v. 1 beautify, adorn. 2 enhance with fictitious additions.  embellishment n. [french bel, *beau]

Ember  n. (usu. In pl.) Small piece of glowing coal etc. In a dying fire. [old english]

Ember days  n.pl. Days of fasting and prayer in the christian church, associated with ordinations. [old english]

Embezzle  v. (-ling) divert (money etc.) Fraudulently to one's own use.  embezzlement n. Embezzler n. [anglo-french]

Embitter  v. Arouse bitter feelings in.  embitterment n.


Emblazon  v. 1 portray or adorn conspicuously. 2 adorn (a heraldic shield).  emblazonment n.


Emblem  n. 1 symbol. 2 (foll. By of) type, embodiment (the very emblem of courage). 3 heraldic or representative device.  emblematic adj. [greek, = insertion]

Embody  v. (-ies, -ied) 1 make (an idea etc.) Actual or discernible. 2 (of a thing) be a tangible expression of. 3 include, comprise.  embodiment n.


Embolden  v. Make bold; encourage.


Embolism  n. Obstruction of an artery by a clot, air-bubble, etc. [latin from greek]

Embolus  n. (pl. -li) object causing an embolism.


Emboss  v. Carve or decorate with a design in relief.  embossment n. [related to *boss2]

Embouchure  n. Way of applying the mouth to the mouthpiece of a musical instrument. [french: related to *en-1, bouche mouth]

Embrace  —v. (-cing) 1 a hold closely in the arms. B (absol., of two people) embrace each other. 2 clasp, enclose. 3 accept eagerly (an offer etc.). 4 adopt (a cause, idea, etc.). 5 include, comprise. 6 take in with the eye or mind. —n. Act of embracing, clasp.  embraceable adj. [latin: related to *brace]

Embrasure  n. 1 bevelling of a wall at the sides of a window etc. 2 opening in a parapet for a gun etc.  embrasured adj. [french embraser splay]

Embrocation  n. Liquid for rubbing on the body to relieve muscular pain. [greek embrokhe lotion]

Embroider  v. 1 decorate (cloth etc.) With needlework. 2 embellish (a narrative).  embroiderer n. [anglo-french from germanic]

Embroidery  n. (pl. -ies) 1 art of embroidering. 2 embroidered work. 3 inessential ornament. 4 fictitious additions (to a story etc.).


Embroil  v. (often foll. By with) involve (a person etc.) In a conflict or difficulties.  embroilment n. [french brouiller mix]

Embryo  n. (pl. -s) 1 a unborn or unhatched offspring. B human offspring in the first eight weeks from conception. 2 rudimentary plant in a seed. 3 thing in a rudimentary stage. 4 (attrib.) Undeveloped, immature.  in embryo undeveloped.  embryonic adj. [greek bruo grow]

Embryology  n. The study of embryos.


Emend  v. Edit (a text etc.) To make corrections.  emendation n. [latin menda fault]

Usage  see note at amend.


Emerald  —n. 1 bright-green gem. 2 colour of this. —adj. Bright green. [greek smaragdos]Emerald green  adj. & n. (as adj. Often hyphenated) bright green.


Emerald isle  n. Ireland.


Emerge  v. (-ging) 1 come up or out into view. 2 (of facts etc.) Become known, be revealed. 3 become recognized or prominent. 4 (of a question, difficulty, etc.) Become apparent.  emergence n. Emergent adj. [latin: related to *merge]

Emergency  n. (pl. -ies) 1 sudden state of danger etc., requiring immediate action. 2 a condition requiring immediate treatment. B patient with this. 3 (attrib.) For use in an emergency. [medieval latin: related to *emerge]

Emeritus  adj. Retired but retaining one's title as an honour (emeritus professor). [latin mereor earn]

Emery  n. Coarse corundum for polishing metal etc. [greek smeris polishing powder]

Emery-board  n. Emery-coated nail-file.


Emetic  —adj. That causes vomiting. —n. Emetic medicine. [greek emeo vomit]

Emf  abbr. (also e.m.f.) Electromotive force.


Emigrant  —n. Person who emigrates. —adj. Emigrating.


Emigrate  v. (-ting) leave one's own country to settle in another.  emigration n. [latin: related to *migrate]

?migr?  n. Emigrant, esp. A political exile. [french]

Eminence  n. 1 distinction; recognized superiority. 2 piece of rising ground. 3 title used in addressing or referring to a cardinal (your eminence; his eminence). [latin: related to *eminent]

?minence grise  n. (pl. ?minences grises pronunc. Same) person who exercises power or influence without holding office. [french, = grey cardinal (orig. Of richelieu's secretary)]

Eminent  adj. Distinguished, notable, outstanding. [latin emineo jut out]

Emir  n. (also amir) title of various muslim rulers. [french from arabic 'amir]

Emirate  n. Rank, domain, or reign of an emir.


Emissary  n. (pl. -ies) person sent on a diplomatic mission. [latin: related to *emit]

Emit  v. (-tt-) give or send out (heat, light, a smell, sound, etc.); discharge.  emission n. [latin emitto emiss-]

Emollient  —adj. That softens or soothes the skin, feelings, etc. —n. Emollient substance. [latin mollis soft]

Emolument  n. Fee from employment, salary. [latin]

Emote  v. (-ting) show excessive emotion.


Emotion  n. 1 strong instinctive feeling such as love or fear. 2 emotional intensity or sensibility (spoke with emotion). [french: related to *motion]

Emotional  adj. 1 of or expressing emotions. 2 especially liable to emotion. 3 arousing emotion.  emotionalism n. Emotionally adv.


Usage  see note at emotive.


Emotive  adj. 1 arousing emotion. 2 of emotion. [latin: related to *motion]

Usage  although the senses of emotive and emotional overlap, emotive is more common in the sense ‘arousing emotion’, as in an emotive issue, and is not used at all in sense 2 of emotional.


Empanel  v. (also impanel) (-ll-; us -l-) enter (a jury) on a panel.


Empathize  v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) (usu. Foll. By with) exercise empathy.


Empathy  n. Ability to identify with a person or object.  empathetic adj. [as *pathos]

Emperor  n. Sovereign of an empire. [latin impero command]

Emperor penguin  n. Largest known penguin.


Emphasis  n. (pl. Emphases) 1 importance or prominence attached to a thing (emphasis on economy). 2 stress laid on a word or syllable to make the meaning clear or show importance. 3 vigour or intensity of expression, feeling, etc. [latin from greek]

Emphasize  v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) put emphasis on, stress.


Emphatic  adj. 1 forcibly expressive. 2 of words: a bearing the stress. B used to give emphasis.  emphatically adv.


Emphysema  n. Disease of the lungs causing breathlessness. [greek emphusao puff up]

Empire  n. 1 large group of states or countries under a single authority. 2 supreme dominion. 3 large commercial organization etc. Owned or directed by one person. 4 (the empire) hist. The british empire. [latin imperium dominion]Empire-building  n. Purposeful accumulation of territory, authority, etc.


Empirical  adj. (also empiric) based on observation, experience, or experiment, not on theory.  empirically adv. Empiricism n. Empiricist n. [greek empeiria experience]

Emplacement  n. 1 putting in position. 2 platform for guns. [french: related to *place]

Employ  —v. 1 use the services of (a person) in return for payment. 2 use (a thing, time, energy, etc.) To good effect. 3 keep (a person) occupied. —n. (in phr. In the employ of) employed by.  employable adj. Employer n. [latin implicor be involved]

Employee  n. Person employed for wages.


Employment  n. 1 employing or being employed. 2 person's trade or profession.


Employment office  n. (formerly employment exchange) state-run employment agency.


Emporium  n. (pl. -s or -ria) 1 large shop or store. 2 centre of commerce, market. [greek emporos merchant]

Empower  v. Give authority to.


Empress  n. 1 wife or widow of an emperor. 2 woman emperor. [french: related to *emperor]

Empty  —adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 containing nothing. 2 (of a house etc.) Unoccupied or unfurnished. 3 (of a vehicle etc.) Without passengers etc. 4 a hollow, insincere (empty threats). B without purpose (an empty existence). C vacuous (an empty head). 5 colloq. Hungry. —v. (-ies, -ied) 1 remove the contents of. 2 (often foll. By into) transfer (contents). 3 become empty. 4 (of a river) discharge itself. —n. (pl. -ies) colloq. Empty bottle etc.  emptiness n. [old english]

Empty-handed  adj. (usu. Predic.) 1 bringing or taking nothing. 2 having achieved nothing.


Empty-headed  adj. Foolish; lacking sense.


Empyrean  —n. The highest heaven, as the sphere of fire or abode of god. —adj. Of the empyrean.  empyreal adj. [greek pur fire]

Ems  abbr. European monetary system.


Emu  abbr. Economic and monetary union; european monetary union.


Emu  n. (pl. -s) large flightless australian bird. [portuguese]

Emulate  v. (-ting) 1 try to equal or excel. 2 imitate.  emulation n. Emulative adj. Emulator n. [latin aemulus rival]

Emulsify  v. (-ies, -ied) convert into an emulsion.  emulsification n. Emulsifier n.


Emulsion  n. 1 fine dispersion of one liquid in another, esp. As paint, medicine, etc. 2 mixture of a silver compound in gelatin etc. For coating photographic plate or film. 3 emulsion paint. [latin mulgeo milk]

Emulsion paint  n. Water-thinned paint.


En  n. Printing unit of measurement equal to half an em. [name of the letter n]

En-1  prefix (also em- before b, p) forming verbs, = *in-2: 1 from nouns, meaning ‘put into or on’ (engulf; entrust; embed). 2 from nouns or adjectives, meaning ‘bring into the condition of’ (enslave); often with the suffix -en (enlighten). 3 from verbs: a in the sense ‘in, into, on’ (enfold). B as an intensifier (entangle). [french en-, latin in-]

En-2  prefix (also em- before b, p) in, inside (energy; enthusiasm). [greek]

-en  suffix forming verbs: 1 from adjectives, usu. Meaning ‘make or become so or more so’ (deepen; moisten). 2 from nouns (happen; strengthen). [old english]

Enable  v. (-ling) 1 (foll. By to + infin.) Give (a person etc.) The means or authority. 2 make possible. 3 esp. Computing make (a device) operational; switch on.


Enact  v. 1 a ordain, decree. B make (a bill etc.) Law. 2 play (a part on stage or in life).  enactive adj.


Enactment  n. 1 law enacted. 2 process of enacting.


Enamel  —n. 1 glasslike opaque ornamental or preservative coating on metal etc. 2 a smooth hard coating. B a kind of hard gloss paint. C cosmetic simulating this, esp. Nail varnish. 3 hard coating of a tooth. 4 painting done in enamel. —v. (-ll-; us -l-) inlay, coat, or portray with enamel.

Enamor  v. (brit. Enamour) (usu. In passive; foll. By of) inspire with love or delight. [french amour love]

Enamour  v. (us enamor) (usu. In passive; foll. By of) inspire with love or delight. [french amour love]

En bloc  adv. In a block; all at the same time. [french]

Encamp  v. Settle in a (esp. Military) camp.  encampment n.


Encapsulate  v. (-ting) 1 enclose in or as in a capsule. 2 express briefly, summarize.  encapsulation n. [related to *capsule]

Encase  v. (-sing) enclose in or as in a case.  encasement n.


Encaustic  —adj. (of painting etc.) Using pigments mixed with hot wax, which are burned in as an inlay. —n. 1 art of encaustic painting. 2 product of this. [greek: related to *caustic]

-ence  suffix forming nouns expressing: 1 a quality or state or an instance of this (patience; an impertinence). 2 an action (reference). [french -ence, latin -erie]

Encephalitis  n. Inflammation of the brain. [greek egkephalos brain]

Encephalogram  n. = *electroencephalogram.


Encephalograph  n. = *electroencephalograph.


Enchant  v. 1 charm, delight. 2 bewitch.  enchantedly adv. Enchanting adj. Enchantingly adv. Enchantment n.


Enchanter  n. (fem. Enchantress) person who enchants, esp. By using magic.


Encircle  v. (-ling) 1 surround. 2 form a circle round.  encirclement n.


Enclave  n. Territory of one state surrounded by that of another. [latin clavis key]

Enclose  v. (-sing) 1 a surround with a wall, fence, etc. B shut in. 2 put in a receptacle (esp. In an envelope with a letter). 3 (usu. As enclosed adj.) Seclude (a religious community) from the outside world. [latin: related to *include]

Enclosure  n. 1 act of enclosing. 2 enclosed space or area, esp. At a sporting event. 3 thing enclosed with a letter. [french: related to *enclose]

Encode  v. (-ding) put into code.


Encomium  n. (pl. -s) formal or high-flown praise. [greek komos revelry]

Encompass  v. 1 contain; include. 2 surround.


Encore  —n. 1 audience's demand for the repetition of an item, or for a further item. 2 such an item. —v. (-ring) 1 call for the repetition of (an item). 2 call back (a performer) for this. —int. Again, once more. [french, = once again]

Encounter  —v. 1 meet unexpectedly. 2 meet as an adversary. —n. Meeting by chance or in conflict. [latin contra against]

Encourage  v. (-ging) 1 give courage or confidence to. 2 urge. 3 promote.  encouragement n. [french: related to *en-1]

Encroach  v. 1 (foll. By on, upon) intrude on another's territory etc. 2 advance gradually beyond due limits.  encroachment n. [french croc *crook]

Encrust  v. 1 cover with or form a crust. 2 coat with a hard casing or deposit, sometimes for decoration. [french: related to *en-1]

Encumber  v. 1 be a burden to. 2 hamper. [french from romanic]

Encumbrance  n. 1 burden. 2 impediment.


-ency  suffix forming nouns denoting quality or state (efficiency; fluency; presidency). [latin -entia]

Encyclical  —adj. For wide circulation. —n. Papal encyclical letter. [greek: related to *cycle]

Encyclopedia  n. (also -paedia) book, often in a number of volumes, giving information on many subjects, or on many aspects of one subject. [greek egkuklios all-round, paideia education]

Encyclopedic  adj. (also -paedic) (of knowledge or information) comprehensive.


End  —n. 1 a extreme limit. B extremity (to the ends of the earth). 2 extreme part or surface of a thing (strip of wood with a nail in one end). 3 a finish (no end to his misery). B latter part. C death, destruction (met an untimely end). D result. 4 goal (will do anything to achieve his ends). 5 remnant (cigarette-end). 6 (prec.

Endanger  v. Place in danger.


Endangered species  n. Species in danger of extinction.


Endear  v. (usu. Foll. By to) make dear.  endearing adj.


Endearment  n. 1 an expression of affection. 2 liking, affection.


Endeavor  (brit. Endeavour) —v. (foll. By to + infin.) Try earnestly. —n. Earnest attempt. [from *en-1, french devoir owe]

Endeavour  (us endeavor) —v. (foll. By to + infin.) Try earnestly. —n. Earnest attempt. [from *en-1, french devoir owe]

Endemic  adj. (often foll. By to) regularly or only found among a particular people or in a particular region.  endemically adv. [greek en- in, demos the people]

Ending  n. 1 end or final part, esp. Of a story. 2 inflected final part of a word.


Endive  n. Curly-leaved plant used in salads. [greek entubon]

Endless  adj. 1 infinite; without end. 2 continual (endless complaints). 3 colloq. Innumerable. 4 (of a belt, chain, etc.) Having the ends joined for continuous action over wheels etc.  endlessly adv. [old english: related to *end]

Endmost  adj. Nearest the end.


Endo-  comb. Form internal. [greek endon within]

Endocrine  adj. (of a gland) secreting directly into the blood. [greek krino sift]

Endogenous  adj. Growing or originating from within.


Endometrium  n. Membrane lining the womb. [greek metra womb]

Endomorph  n. Person with a soft round body. [greek morphe form]

Endorse  v. (also indorse) (-sing) 1 approve. 2 sign or write on (a document), esp. Sign the back of (a cheque). 3 enter details of a conviction for an offence on (a driving-licence).  endorsement n. [latin dorsum back]

Endoscope  n. Instrument for viewing internal parts of the body.


Endow  v. 1 bequeath or give a permanent income to (a person, institution, etc.). 2 (esp. As endowed adj.) Provide with talent, ability, etc. [anglo-french: related to *dower]

Endowment  n. 1 endowing. 2 endowed income. 3 (attrib.) Denoting forms of life insurance with payment of a fixed sum on a specified date, or on the death of the insured person if earlier.


Endowment mortgage  n. Mortgage linked to endowment insurance.


Endpaper  n. Either of the blank leaves of paper at the beginning and end of a book.


End-product  n. Final product of manufacture etc.


Endue  v. (also indue) (-dues, -dued, -duing) (foll. By with) provide (a person) with (qualities etc.). [latin induo put on clothes]

Endurance  n. 1 power of enduring. 2 ability to withstand prolonged strain. [french: related to *endure]

Endure  v. (-ring) 1 undergo (a difficulty etc.). 2 tolerate. 3 last.  endurable adj. [latin durus hard]

Endways  adv. (also endwise) 1 with end uppermost or foremost. 2 end to end.

Enema  n. 1 introduction of fluid etc. Into the rectum, esp. To flush out its contents. 2 fluid etc. Used for this. [greek hiemi send]

Enemy  n. (pl. -ies) 1 person actively hostile to another. 2 a (often attrib.) Hostile nation or army. B member of this. 3 adversary or opponent (enemy of progress). [latin: related to *in-2, amicus friend]

Energetic  adj. Full of energy, vigorous.  energetically adv. [greek: related to *energy]

Energize  v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) 1 give energy to. 2 provide (a device) with energy for operation.


Energy  n. (pl. -ies) 1 capacity for activity, force, vigour. 2 capacity of matter or radiation to do work. [greek ergon work]

Enervate  v. (-ting) deprive of vigour or vitality.  enervation n. [latin: related to *nerve]

En famille  adv. In or with one's family. [french, = in family]

Enfant terrible  n. (pl. Enfants terribles pronunc. Same) indiscreet or unruly person. [french, = terrible child]

Enfeeble  v. (-ling) make feeble.  enfeeblement n.


Enfilade  —n. Gunfire directed along a line from end to end. —v. (-ding) direct an enfilade at. [french: related to *file1]

Enfold  v. 1 (usu. Foll. By in, with) wrap; envelop. 2 clasp, embrace.


Enforce  v. (-cing) 1 compel observance of (a law etc.). 2 (foll. By on) impose (an action or one's will, etc.) On.  enforceable adj. Enforcement n. Enforcer n. [latin: related to *force1]

Enfranchise  v. (-sing) 1 give (a person) the right to vote. 2 give (a town) municipal rights, esp. Representation in parliament. 3 hist. Free (a slave etc.).  enfranchisement n. [french: related to *frank]

Engage  v. (-ging) 1 employ or hire (a person). 2 a (usu. In passive) occupy (are you engaged tomorrow?). B hold fast (a person's attention). 3 (usu. In passive) bind by a promise, esp. Of marriage. 4 arrange beforehand to occupy (a room, seat, etc.). 5 a interlock (parts of a gear etc.). B (of a gear etc.) Become interlocked. 6 a come into battle with. B bring (troops) into battle with. C come into battle with (an enemy etc.). 7 take part (engage in politics). 8 (foll. By that + clause or to + infin.) Undertake. [french: related to *gage1]

Engaged  adj. 1 pledged to marry. 2 (of a person) occupied, busy. 3 (of a telephone line, toilet, etc.) In use.


Engagement  n. 1 engaging or being engaged. 2 appointment with another person. 3 betrothal. 4 battle.


Engaging  adj. Attractive, charming.  engagingly adv.


Engender  v. Give rise to; produce (a feeling etc.). [related to *genus]

Engine  n. 1 mechanical contrivance of parts working together, esp. As a source of power (steam engine). 2 a railway locomotive. B = *fire-engine. [latin ingenium device]

Engineer  —n. 1 person skilled in a branch of engineering. 2 person who makes or is in charge of engines etc. (ship's engineer). 3 person who designs and constructs military works; soldier so trained. 4 contriver. —v. 1 contrive, bring about. 2 act as an engineer. 3 construct or manage as an engineer. [medieval latin: related to *engine]

Engineering  n. Application of science to the design, building, and use of machines etc. (civil engineering).


English  —adj. Of england or its people or language. —n. 1 language of england, now used in the uk, us, and most commonwealth countries. 2 (prec. By the; treated as pl.) The people of england. [old english]

Englishman  n. (fem. Englishwoman) person who is english by birth or descent.


Engorged  adj. 1 crammed full. 2 congested with fluid, esp. Blood. [french: related to *en-1, *gorge]

Engraft  v. (also ingraft) 1 bot. (usu. Foll. By into, on) graft. 2 implant. 3 (usu. Foll. By into) incorporate.


Engrave  v. (-ving) 1 (often foll. By on) carve (a text or design) on a hard surface. 2 inscribe (a surface) thus. 3 (often foll. By on) impress deeply (on a person's memory).  engraver n. [from *grave3]Engraving  n. Print made from an engraved plate.


Engross  v. 1 absorb the attention of; occupy fully. 2 write out in larger letters or in legal form.  engrossment n. [anglo-french: related to *en-1]

Engulf  v. Flow over and swamp; overwhelm.  engulfment n.


Enhance  v. (-cing) intensify (qualities, powers, etc.); improve (something already good).  enhancement n. [anglo-french from latin altus high]

Enigma  n. 1 puzzling thing or person. 2 riddle or paradox.  enigmatic adj. Enigmatically adv. [latin from greek]

Enjoin  v. 1 command or order. 2 (often foll. By on) impose (an action). 3 (usu. Foll. By from) law prohibit by injunction (from doing a thing). [latin injungo attach]

Enjoy  v. 1 take pleasure in. 2 have the use or benefit of. 3 experience (enjoy good health).  enjoy oneself experience pleasure.  enjoyment n. [french]

Enjoyable  adj. Pleasant.  enjoyably adv.


Enkephalin  n. Either of two morphine-like peptides in the brain thought to control levels of pain. [greek egkephalos brain]

Enkindle  v. (-ling) cause to flare up, arouse.


Enlarge  v. (-ging) 1 make or become larger or wider. 2 (often foll. By on, upon) describe in greater detail. 3 reproduce a photograph on a larger scale.  enlargement n. [french: related to *large]

Enlarger  n. Apparatus for enlarging photographs.


Enlighten  v. 1 (often foll. By on) inform (about a subject). 2 (as enlightened adj.) Progressive.


Enlightenment  n. 1 enlightening or being enlightened. 2 (the enlightenment) 18th-c. Philosophy of reason and individualism.


Enlist  v. 1 enrol in the armed services. 2 secure as a means of help or support.  enlistment n.


Enliven  v. Make lively or cheerful; brighten (a picture etc.); inspirit.  enlivenment n.


En masse  adv. All together. [french]

Enmesh  v. Entangle in or as in a net.


Enmity  n. (pl. -ies) 1 state of being an enemy. 2 hostility. [romanic: related to *enemy]

Ennoble  v. (-ling) 1 make noble. 2 make (a person) a noble.  ennoblement n. [french: related to *en-1]

Ennui  n. Mental weariness from idleness or lack of interest; boredom. [french: related to *annoy]

Enormity  n. (pl. -ies) 1 monstrous wickedness; monstrous crime. 2 serious error. 3 great size. [latin enormitas]

Usage  sense 3 is commonly found, but is regarded as incorrect by some people.


Enormous  adj. Extremely large.  enormously adv. [latin enormis: related to *norm]

Enough  —adj. As much or as many as required (enough apples). —n. Sufficient amount or quantity (we have enough). —adv. 1 adequately (warm enough). 2 fairly (sings well enough). 3 quite (you know well enough what i mean).  have had enough of want no more of; be satiated with or tired of. Sure enough as expected. [old english]

En passant  adv. In passing; casually (mentioned it en passant). [french, = in passing]

Enprint  n. Standard-sized photograph. [enlarged print]

Enquire  v. (-ring) 1 seek information; ask; ask a question. 2 = *inquire. 3 (foll. By after, for) ask about (a person, a person's health, etc.).  enquirer n. [latin quaero quaesit- seek]

Enquiry  n. (pl. -ies) 1 act of asking or seeking information. 2 = *inquiry.


Enrage  v. (-ging) make furious. [french: related to *en-1]

Enrapture  v. (-ring) delight intensely.


Enrich  v. 1 make rich or richer. 2 make more nutritive. 3 increase the strength, wealth, value, or contents of.  enrichment n. [french: related to *en-1]

Enrol  v. (us enroll) (-ll-) 1 enlist. 2 a write the name of (a person) on a list. B incorporate as a member. C enrol oneself, esp. For a course of study.  enrolment n. [french: related to *en-1]Enroll  v. (brit. Enrol) (-ll-) 1 enlist. 2 a write the name of (a person) on a list. B incorporate as a member. C enrol oneself, esp. For a course of study.  enrolment n. [french: related to *en-1]

En route  adv. On the way. [french]

Ensconce  v. (-cing) (usu. Refl. Or in passive) establish or settle comfortably. [from sconce small fortification]

Ensemble  n. 1 a thing viewed as the sum of its parts. B general effect of this. 2 set of clothes worn together. 3 group of performers working together. 4 mus. Concerted passage for an ensemble. [latin simul at the same time]

Enshrine  v. (-ning) 1 enclose in a shrine. 2 protect, make inviolable.  enshrinement n.


Enshroud  v. Literary 1 cover with or as with a shroud. 2 obscure.


Ensign  n. 1 banner or flag, esp. The military or naval flag of a nation. 2 standard-bearer. 3 a hist. Lowest commissioned infantry officer. B us lowest commissioned naval officer. [french: related to *insignia]

Ensilage  —n. = *silage. —v. (-ging) preserve (fodder) by ensilage. [french: related to *silo]

Enslave  v. (-ving) make (a person) a slave.  enslavement n.


Ensnare  v. (-ring) catch in or as in a snare.  ensnarement n.


Ensue  v. (-sues, -sued, -suing) happen later or as a result. [latin sequor follow]

En suite  —adv. Forming a single unit (bedroom with bathroom en suite). —adj. 1 forming a single unit (en suite bathroom). 2 with a bathroom attached (seven en suite bedrooms). [french, = in sequence]

Ensure  v. (-ring) 1 make certain. 2 (usu. Foll. By against) make safe (ensure against risks).  ensurer n. [anglo-french: related to *assure]

Ent  abbr. Ear, nose, and throat.


-ent  suffix 1 forming adjectives denoting attribution of an action (consequent) or state (existent). 2 forming agent nouns (president). [latin -ent- present participial stem of verbs]

Entablature  n. Upper part of a classical building supported by columns including an architrave, frieze, and cornice. [italian: related to *table]

Entail  —v. 1 necessitate or involve unavoidably (entails much effort). 2 law bequeath (an estate) to a specified line of beneficiaries so that it cannot be sold or given away. —n. Law 1 entailed estate. 2 succession to such an estate. [related to *tail2]

Entangle  v. (-ling) 1 catch or hold fast in a snare, tangle, etc. 2 involve in difficulties. 3 complicate.  entanglement n.


Entente  n. Friendly understanding between states. [french]

Entente cordiale  n. Entente, esp. Between britain and france from 1904.


Enter  v. 1 go or come in or into. 2 come on stage (also as a direction: enter macbeth). 3 penetrate (bullet entered his arm). 4 write (name, details, etc.) In a list, book, etc. 5 register, record the name of as a competitor (entered for the long jump). 6 a become a member of (a society or profession). B enrol in a school etc. 7 make known; present for consideration (enter a protest). 8 record formally (before a court of law etc.). 9 (foll. By into) a engage in (conversation etc.). B subscribe to; bind oneself by (an agreement, contract, etc.). C form part of (a calculation, plan, etc.). D sympathize with (feelings). 10 (foll. By on, upon) a begin; begin to deal with. B assume the functions of (an office) or possession of (property). [latin intra within]

Enteric  adj. Of the intestines.  enteritis n. [greek enteron intestine]Entry  n. (pl. -ies) 1 a going or coming in. B liberty to do this. 2 place of entrance; door, gate, etc. 3 passage between buildings. 4 a item entered in a diary, list, etc. B recording of this. 5 a person or thing competing in a race etc. B list of competitors. [romanic: related to *enter]

Entryphone  n. Propr. Intercom at the entrance of a building or flat for callers to identify themselves.


Entwine  v. (-ning) twine round, interweave.


E-number  n. E plus a number, the ec designation for food additives.


Enumerate  v. (-ting) 1 specify (items). 2 count.  enumeration n. Enumerative adj. [latin: related to *number]

Enumerator  n. Person employed in census-taking.


Enunciate  v. (-ting) 1 pronounce (words) clearly. 2 express in definite terms.  enunciation n. [latin nuntio announce]

Enuresis  n. Involuntary urination. [greek enoureo urinate in]

Envelop  v. (-p-) 1 wrap up or cover completely. 2 completely surround.  envelopment n. [french]

Envelope  n. 1 folded paper container for a letter etc. 2 wrapper, covering. 3 gas container of a balloon or airship.


Enviable  adj. Likely to excite envy, desirable.  enviably adv.


Envious  adj. Feeling or showing envy.  enviously adv. [anglo-french: related to *envy]

Environment  n. 1 surroundings, esp. As affecting lives. 2 circumstances of living. 3 computing overall structure within which a user, computer, or program operates.  environmental adj. Environmentally adv. [french environ surroundings]

Environmentalist  n. Person concerned with the protection of the natural environment.  environmentalism n.


Environs  n.pl. District round a town etc.


Envisage  v. (-ging) 1 have a mental picture of (a thing not yet existing). 2 imagine as possible or desirable. [french: related to *visage]

Envoy  n. 1 messenger or representative. 2 (in full envoy extraordinary) diplomatic agent ranking below ambassador. [french envoyer send, from latin via way]

Envy  —n. (pl. -ies) 1 discontent aroused by another's better fortune etc. 2 object of this feeling. —v. (-ies, -ied) feel envy of (a person etc.). [latin invidia, from video see]

Enwrap  v. (-pp-) (often foll. By in) literary wrap, enfold.


Enzyme  n. Protein catalyst of a specific biochemical reaction. [greek enzumos leavened]

Eocene  geol. —adj. Of the second epoch of the tertiary period. —n. This epoch. [greek eos dawn, kainos new]

Eolian harp  n. (brit. Aeolian) stringed instrument or toy sounding when the wind passes through it. [latin aeolus wind-god, from greek]

Eolithic  adj. Of the period preceding the palaeolithic age. [greek eos dawn, lithos stone]

Eon  var. Of *aeon.


Ep  abbr. Extended-play (gramophone record).


Epaulet  n. (brit. Epaulette) ornamental shoulder-piece on a coat etc., esp. On a uniform. [french ?paule shoulder]

Epaulette  n. (us epaulet) ornamental shoulder-piece on a coat etc., esp. On a uniform. [french ?paule shoulder]

?p?e  n. Sharp-pointed sword, used (with the end blunted) in fencing. [french: related to *spathe]

Ephedrine  n. Alkaloid drug used to relieve asthma, etc. [ephedra, genus of plants yielding it]

Ephemera  n.pl. Things of only short-lived relevance. [latin: related to *ephemeral]

Ephemeral  adj. Lasting or of use for only a short time; transitory. [greek: related to *epi-, hemera day]

Epi-  prefix 1 upon. 2 above. 3 in addition. [greek]

Epic  —n. 1 long poem narrating the adventures or deeds of one or more heroic or legendary figures. 2 book or film based on an epic narrative. —adj. 1 of or like an epic. 2 grand, heroic. [greek epos song]

Epicene  —adj. 1 of, for, denoting, or used by both sexes. 2 having characteristics of both sexes or of neither sex. —n. Epicene person. [greek koinos common]Epicenter  n. (brit. Epicentre) 1 point at which an earthquake reaches the earth's surface. 2 central point of a difficulty. [greek: related to *centre]

Epicentre  n. (us epicenter) 1 point at which an earthquake reaches the earth's surface. 2 central point of a difficulty. [greek: related to *centre]

Epicure  n. Person with refined tastes, esp. In food and drink.  epicurism n. [medieval latin: related to *epicurean]

Epicurean  —n. 1 disciple or student of the greek philosopher epicurus. 2 (epicurean) devotee of (esp. Sensual) enjoyment. —adj. 1 of epicurus or his ideas. 2 (epicurean) characteristic of an epicurean.  epicureanism n. [latin from greek]

Epidemic  —n. Widespread occurrence of a disease in a community at a particular time. —adj. In the nature of an epidemic. [greek epi against, demos the people]

Epidemiology  n. The study of epidemic diseases and their control.  epidemiologist n.


Epidermis  n. Outer layer of the skin.  epidermal adj. [greek derma skin]

Epidiascope  n. Optical projector capable of giving images of both opaque and transparent objects. [from *epi-, *dia-, *-scope]

Epidural  —adj. (of an anaesthetic) introduced into the space around the dura mater of the spinal cord. —n. Epidural anaesthetic. [from *epi-, *dura mater]

Epiglottis  n. Flap of cartilage at the root of the tongue, depressed during swallowing to cover the windpipe.  epiglottal adj. [greek glotta tongue]

Epigram  n. 1 short poem with a witty ending. 2 pointed saying.  epigrammatic adj. [greek: related to *-gram]

Epigraph  n. Inscription. [greek: related to *-graph]

Epilepsy  n. Nervous disorder with convulsions and often loss of consciousness. [greek lambano take]

Epileptic  —adj. Of epilepsy. —n. Person with epilepsy. [french: related to *epilepsy]

Epilogue  n. 1 short piece ending a literary work. 2 speech addressed to the audience by an actor at the end of a play. [greek logos speech]

Epiphany  n. (pl. -ies) 1 (epiphany) a manifestation of christ to the magi. B festival of this on 6 january. 2 manifestation of a god or demigod. [greek phaino show]

Episcopacy  n. (pl. -ies) 1 government by bishops. 2 (prec. By the) the bishops.


Episcopal  adj. 1 of a bishop or bishops. 2 (of a church) governed by bishops.  episcopally adv. [church latin: related to *bishop]

Episcopalian  —adj. 1 of episcopacy. 2 of an episcopal church or (episcopalian) the episcopal church. —n. 1 adherent of episcopacy. 2 (episcopalian) member of the episcopal church.  episcopalianism n.


Episcopate  n. 1 the office or tenure of a bishop. 2 (prec. By the) the bishops collectively. [church latin: related to *bishop]

Episiotomy  n. (pl. -ies) surgical cut made at the vaginal opening during childbirth, to aid delivery. [greek epision pubic region]

Episode  n. 1 event or group of events as part of a sequence. 2 each of the parts of a serial story or broadcast. 3 incident or set of incidents in a narrative. [greek eisodos entry]

Episodic  adj. 1 consisting of separate episodes. 2 irregular, sporadic. episodically adv.


Epistemology  n. Philosophy of knowledge.  epistemological adj. [greek episteme knowledge]

Epistle  n. 1 joc. Letter. 2 (epistle) any of the apostles' letters in the new testament. 3 poem etc. In the form of a letter. [greek epistole from stello send]

Epistolary  adj. Of or in the form of a letter or letters. [latin: related to *epistle]

Epitaph  n. Words written in memory of a dead person, esp. As a tomb inscription. [greek taphos tomb]

Epithelium  n. (pl. -s or -lia) tissue forming the outer layer of the body and lining many hollow structures.  epithelial adj. [greek thele teat]

Epithet  n. 1 adjective etc. Expressing a quality or attribute. 2 this as a term of abuse. [greek tithemi place]Epitome  n. 1 person or thing embodying a quality etc. 2 thing representing another in miniature. [greek temno cut]

Epitomize  v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) make or be a perfect example of (a quality etc.).


Epns  abbr. Electroplated nickel silver.


Epoch  n. 1 period of history etc. Marked by notable events. 2 beginning of an era. 3 geol. Division of a period, corresponding to a set of strata.  epochal adj. [greek, = pause]

Epoch-making  adj. Remarkable; very important.


Eponym  n. 1 word, place-name, etc., derived from a person's name. 2 person whose name is used in this way.  eponymous adj. [greek onoma name]

Epos  abbr. Electronic point-of-sale (equipment recording stock, sales, etc. In shops).


Epoxy  adj. Relating to or derived from a compound with one oxygen atom and two carbon atoms bonded in a triangle. [from *epi-, *oxygen]

Epoxy resin  n. Synthetic thermosetting resin.


Epsilon  n. Fifth letter of the greek alphabet (e, e). [greek]

Epsom salts  n. Magnesium sulphate used as a purgative etc. [epsom in s. England]

Equable  adj. 1 not varying. 2 moderate (equable climate). 3 (of a person) not easily disturbed.  equably adv. [related to *equal]

Equal  —adj. 1 (often foll. By to, with) the same in quantity, quality, size, degree, level, etc. 2 evenly balanced (an equal contest). 3 having the same rights or status (human beings are essentially equal). 4 uniform in application or effect. —n. Person or thing equal to another, esp. In rank or quality. —v. (-ll-; us -l-) 1 be equal to. 2 achieve something that is equal to.  be equal to have the ability or resources for. [latin aequalis]

Equality  n. Being equal. [latin: related to *equal]

Equalize  v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) 1 make or become equal. 2 reach one's opponent's score.  equalization n.


Equalizer  n. (also -iser) equalizing score or goal etc.


Equally  adv. 1 in an equal manner (treated them equally). 2 to an equal degree (equally important).


Usage  in sense 2, construction with as (e.g. Equally as important) is often found, but is considered incorrect by some people.


Equal opportunity  n. (often in pl.) Opportunity to compete on equal terms, regardless of sex, race, etc.


Equanimity  n. Composure, evenness of temper, esp. In adversity. [latin aequus even, animus mind]

Equate  v. (-ting) 1 (usu. Foll. By to, with) regard as equal or equivalent. 2 (foll. By with) be equal or equivalent to.  equatable adj. [latin aequo aequat-: related to *equal]

Equation  n. 1 equating or making equal; being equal. 2 statement that two mathematical expressions are equal (indicated by the sign =). 3 formula indicating a chemical reaction by means of symbols.


Equator  n. 1 imaginary line round the earth or other body, equidistant from the poles. 2 = *celestial equator. [medieval latin: related to *equate]

Equatorial  adj. Of or near the equator.


Equerry  n. (pl. -ies) officer attending the british royal family. [french esquierie stable]

Equestrian  —adj. 1 of horse-riding. 2 on horseback. —n. Rider or performer on horseback.  equestrianism n. [latin equestris from equus horse]

Equi-  comb. Form equal. [latin: related to *equal]

Equiangular  adj. Having equal angles.


Equidistant  adj. At equal distances.


Equilateral  adj. Having all its sides equal in length.


Equilibrium  n. (pl. -ria or -s) 1 state of physical balance. 2 state of composure. [latin libra balance]

Equine  adj. Of or like a horse. [latin equus horse]

Equinoctial  —adj. Happening at or near the time of an equinox. —n. (in full equinoctial line) = *celestial equator. [latin: related to *equinox]

Equinox  n. Time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of equal length. [latin nox noctis night]Enterprise  n. 1 undertaking, esp. A challenging one. 2 readiness to engage in such undertakings. 3 business firm or venture. [latin prehendo grasp]

Enterprising  adj. Showing enterprise; resourceful, energetic.  enterprisingly adv.


Entertain  v. 1 occupy agreeably. 2 a receive as a guest. B receive guests. 3 cherish, consider (an idea etc.). [latin teneo hold]Entertainer  n. Person who entertains, esp. Professionally.


Entertaining  adj. Amusing, diverting.  entertainingly adv.


Entertainment  n. 1 entertaining or being entertained. 2 thing that entertains; performance.


Enthral  v. (us enthrall) (-ll-) captivate, please greatly.  enthralment n. [from *en-1, *thrall]

Enthrall  v. (brit. Enthral) (-ll-) captivate, please greatly.  enthralment n. [from *en-1, *thrall]

Enthrone  v. (-ning) place on a throne, esp. Ceremonially.  enthronement n.


Enthuse  v. (-sing) colloq. Be or make enthusiastic.


Enthusiasm  n. 1 (often foll. By for, about) strong interest or admiration, great eagerness. 2 object of enthusiasm. [greek entheos inspired by a god]

Enthusiast  n. Person full of enthusiasm. [church latin: related to *enthusiasm]

Enthusiastic  adj. Having enthusiasm.  enthusiastically adv.


Entice  v. (-cing) attract by the offer of pleasure or reward.  enticement n. Enticing adj. Enticingly adv. [french enticier probably from romanic]

Entire  adj. 1 whole, complete. 2 unbroken. 3 unqualified, absolute. 4 in one piece; continuous. [latin: related to *integer]

Entirely  adv. 1 wholly. 2 solely.


Entirety  n. (pl. -ies) 1 completeness. 2 (usu. Foll. By of) sum total.  in its entirety in its complete form.


Entitle  v. (-ling) 1 (usu. Foll. By to) give (a person) a just claim or right. 2 give a title to.  entitlement n. [latin: related to *title]

Entity  n. (pl. -ies) 1 thing with distinct existence. 2 thing's existence in itself. [latin ens ent- being]

Entomb  v. 1 place in a tomb. 2 serve as a tomb for.  entombment n. [french: related to *tomb]

Entomology  n. The study of insects.  entomological adj. Entomologist n. [greek entomon insect]

Entourage  n. People attending an important person. [french]

Entr'acte  n. 1 interval between acts of a play. 2 music or dance performed during this. [french]

Entrails  n.pl. 1 bowels, intestines. 2 innermost parts of a thing. [latin inter among]

Entrance1  n. 1 place for entering. 2 going or coming in. 3 right of admission. 4 coming of an actor on stage. 5 (in full entrance fee) admission fee. [french: related to *enter]

Entrance2  v. (-cing) 1 enchant, delight. 2 put into a trance.  entrancement n. Entrancing adj. Entrancingly adv.


Entrant  n. Person who enters (an examination, profession, etc.). [french: related to *enter]

Entrap  v. (-pp-) 1 catch in or as in a trap. 2 beguile.  entrapment n. [related to *en-1]

Entreat  v. Ask earnestly, beg. [related to *en-1]

Entreaty  n. (pl. -ies) earnest request.


Entrec?te  n. Boned steak off the sirloin. [french, = between-rib]

Entr?e  n. 1 dish served between the fish and meat courses. 2 us main dish. 3 right of admission. [french]

Entrench  v. 1 a establish firmly (in a position, office, etc.). B (as entrenched adj.) (of an attitude etc.) Not easily modified. 2 surround with a trench as a fortification.  entrenchment n.


Entrep?t  n. Warehouse for goods in transit. [french]

Entrepreneur  n. 1 person who undertakes a commercial venture. 2 contractor acting as an intermediary.  entrepreneurial adj. Entrepreneurialism n. (also entrepreneurism). [french: related to *enterprise]

Entropy  n. 1 physics measure of the disorganization or degradation of the universe, resulting in a decrease in available energy. 2 physics measure of the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work. [greek: related to *en-2, trope transformation]

Entrust  v. (also intrust) 1 (foll. By to) give (a person or thing) into the care of a person. 2 (foll. By with) assign responsibility for (a person or thing) to (a person) (entrusted him with my camera).

Equip  v. (-pp-) supply with what is needed. [old norse skipa to man a ship]

Equipage  n. 1 archaic a requisites. B outfit. 2 hist. Carriage and horses with attendants. [french: related to *equip]

Equipment  n. 1 necessary articles, clothing, etc. 2 equipping or being equipped. [french: related to *equip]

Equipoise  n. 1 equilibrium. 2 counterbalancing thing.


Equitable  adj. 1 fair, just. 2 law valid in equity as distinct from law.  equitably adv. [french: related to *equity]

Equitation  n. Horsemanship; horse-riding. [latin equito ride a horse]

Equity  n. (pl. -ies) 1 fairness. 2 principles of justice used to correct or supplement the law. 3 a value of the shares issued by a company. B (in pl.) Stocks and shares not bearing fixed interest. [latin aequitas: related to *equal]

Equivalent  —adj. 1 (often foll. By to) equal in value, amount, importance, etc. 2 corresponding. 3 having the same meaning or result. —n. Equivalent thing, amount, etc.  equivalence n. [latin: related to *value]

Equivocal  adj. 1 of double or doubtful meaning. 2 of uncertain nature. 3 (of a person etc.) Questionable.  equivocally adv. [latin voco call]

Equivocate  v. (-ting) use ambiguity to conceal the truth.  equivocation n. Equivocator n. [latin: related to *equivocal]

Er  abbr. Queen elizabeth. [latin elizabetha regina]

Er  symb. Erbium.


Er  int. Expressing hesitation. [imitative]

-er1  suffix forming nouns from nouns, adjectives, and verbs, denoting: 1 person, animal, or thing that does (cobbler; poker). 2 person or thing that is (foreigner; four-wheeler). 3 person concerned with (hatter; geographer). 4 person from (villager; sixth-former). [old english]

-er2  suffix forming the comparative of adjectives (wider) and adverbs (faster). [old english]

-er3  suffix used in a slang distortion of the word (rugger). [probably an extension of *-er1]

Era  n. 1 system of chronology reckoning from a noteworthy event (christian era). 2 large period, esp. Regarded historically. 3 date at which an era begins. 4 major division of geological time. [latin, = number (pl. Of aes money)]

Eradicate  v. (-ting) root out; destroy completely.  eradicable adj. Eradication n. Eradicator n. [latin radix -icis root]

Erase  v. (-sing) 1 rub out; obliterate. 2 remove all traces of. 3 remove recorded material from (magnetic tape or disk). [latin rado ras- scrape]

Eraser  n. Thing that erases, esp. A piece of rubber etc. For removing pencil etc. Marks.


Erasure  n. 1 erasing. 2 erased word etc.


Erbium  n. Metallic element of the lanthanide series. [ytterby in sweden]

Ere  prep. & conj. Poet. Or archaic before (of time) (ere noon; ere they come). [old english]

Erect  —adj. 1 upright, vertical. 2 (of the penis etc.) Enlarged and rigid, esp. In sexual excitement. 3 (of hair) bristling. —v. 1 set up; build. 2 establish.  erection n. Erectly adv. Erectness n. [latin erigere erect- set up]

Erectile  adj. That can become erect (esp. Of body tissue in sexual excitement). [french: related to *erect]

Erg  n. Unit of work or energy. [greek ergon work]

Ergo  adv. Therefore. [latin]

Ergonomics  n. The study of the relationship between people and their working environment.  ergonomic adj. [greek ergon work]

Ergot  n. Disease of rye etc. Caused by a fungus. [french]

Erin  n. Poet. Ireland. [irish]

Erm  abbr. Exchange rate mechanism.


Ermine  n. (pl. Same or -s) 1 stoat, esp. When white in winter. 2 its white fur, used to trim robes etc. [french]

Ernie  n. Device for drawing prize-winning numbers of premium bonds. [electronic random number indicator equipment]

Erode  v. (-ding) wear away, destroy gradually.  erosion n. Erosive adj. [latin rodo ros- gnaw]Erogenous  adj. (of a part of the body) particularly sensitive to sexual stimulation. [greek (as *erotic), *-genous]

Erotic  adj. Of or causing sexual love, esp. Tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement.  erotically adv. [greek eros sexual love]

Erotica  n.pl. Erotic literature or art.


Eroticism  n. 1 erotic character. 2 use of or response to erotic images or stimulation.


Err  v. 1 be mistaken or incorrect. 2 do wrong; sin. [latin erro stray]

Errand  n. 1 short journey, esp. On another's behalf, to take a message, collect goods, etc. 2 object of such a journey. [old english]

Errand of mercy  n. Journey to relieve suffering etc.


Errant  adj. 1 erring. 2 literary or archaic travelling in search of adventure (knight errant).  errantry n. (in sense 2). [from *err: sense 2 ultimately from latin iter journey]

Erratic  adj. 1 inconsistent in conduct, opinions, etc. 2 uncertain in movement.  erratically adv. [latin: related to *err]

Erratum  n. (pl. Errata) error in printing or writing. [latin: related to *err]

Erroneous  adj. Incorrect.  erroneously adv. [latin: related to *err]

Error  n. 1 mistake. 2 condition of being morally wrong (led into error).  3 degree of inaccuracy in a calculation etc. (2% error). [latin: related to *err]

Ersatz  adj. & n. Substitute, imitation. [german]

Erse  —adj. Irish or highland gaelic. —n. The gaelic language. [early scots form of *irish]

Erstwhile  —adj. Former, previous. —adv. Archaic formerly. [related to *ere]

Eructation  n. Formal belching. [latin ructo belch]

Erudite  adj. Learned.  erudition n. [latin eruditus instructed: related to *rude]

Erupt  v. 1 break out suddenly or dramatically. 2 (of a volcano) eject lava etc. 3 (of a rash etc.) Appear on the skin.  eruption n. Eruptive adj. [latin erumpo erupt- break out]

-ery  suffix (also -ry) forming nouns denoting: 1 class or kind (greenery; machinery; citizenry). 2 employment; state or condition (dentistry; slavery). 3 place of work or cultivation or breeding (brewery; rookery). 4 behaviour (mimicry). 5 often derog. All that has to do with (popery). [french -erie]

Erysipelas  n. Disease causing fever and a deep red inflammation of the skin. [latin from greek]

Erythrocyte  n. Red blood cell. [greek eruthros red, *-cyte]

Es  symb. Einsteinium.


Escalate  v. (-ting) 1 increase or develop (usu. Rapidly) by stages. 2 make or become more intense.  escalation n. [from *escalator]

Escalator  n. Moving staircase consisting of a circulating belt forming steps. [latin scala ladder]

Escalope  n. Thin slice of boneless meat, esp. Veal. [french, originally = shell]

Escapade  n. Piece of reckless behaviour. [french from proven?al or spanish: related to *escape]

Escape  —v. (-ping) 1 (often foll. By from) get free of restriction or control. 2 (of gas etc.) Leak. 3 succeed in avoiding punishment etc. 4 get free of (a person, grasp, etc.). 5 avoid (a commitment, danger, etc.). 6 elude the notice or memory of (nothing escapes you; name escaped me). 7 (of words etc.) Issue unawares from (a person etc.). —n. 1 act or instance of escaping. 2 means of escaping (often attrib.: escape hatch). 3 leakage of gas etc. 4 temporary relief from unpleasant reality. [latin cappa cloak]

Escape clause  n. Law clause specifying conditions under which a contracting party is free from an obligation.


Escapee  n. Person who has escaped.


Escapement  n. Part of a clock etc. That connects and regulates the motive power. [french: related to *escape]

Escape velocity  n. Minimum velocity needed to escape from the gravitational field of a body.


Escapism  n. Pursuit of distraction and relief from reality.  escapist n. & adj.


Escapology  n. Techniques of escaping from confinement, esp. As entertainment.  escapologist n.

Escarpment  n. Long steep slope at the edge of a plateau etc. [french from italian: related to *scarp]

Eschatology  n. Theology of death and final destiny.  eschatological adj. [greek eskhatos last]

Escheat  hist. —n. 1 reversion of property to the state etc. In the absence of legal heirs. 2 property so affected. —v. 1 hand over (property) as an escheat. 2 confiscate. 3 revert by escheat. [latin cado fall]

Eschew  v. Formal avoid; abstain from.  eschewal n. [germanic: related to *shy1]

Escort  —n. 1 one or more persons, vehicles, etc., accompanying a person, vehicle, etc., for protection or as a mark of status. 2 person accompanying a person of the opposite sex socially. —v. Act as an escort to. [french from italian]

Escritoire  n. Writing-desk with drawers etc. [french from latin scriptorium writing-room]

Escudo  n. (pl. -s) chief monetary unit of portugal. [spanish and portuguese from latin scutum shield]

Escutcheon  n. Shield or emblem bearing a coat of arms. [latin scutum shield]

Eskimo  —n. (pl. Same or -s) 1 member of a people inhabiting n. Canada, alaska, greenland, and e. Siberia. 2 language of this people. —adj. Of eskimos or their language. [algonquian]

Usage  the eskimos of n. America prefer the name inuit.


Esn  abbr. Educationally subnormal.


Esophagus  n. (brit. Oesophagus) (pl. -gi or -guses) passage from the mouth to the stomach; gullet. [greek]

Esoteric  adj. Intelligible only to those with special knowledge.  esoterically adv. [greek eso within]

Esp  abbr. Extrasensory perception.


Espadrille  n. Light canvas shoe with a plaited fibre sole. [proven?al: related to *esparto]

Espalier  n. 1 lattice-work along which the branches of a tree or shrub are trained. 2 tree or shrub so trained. [french from italian]

Esparto  n. (pl. -s) (in full esparto grass) coarse grass of spain and n. Africa, used to make good-quality paper etc. [greek sparton rope]

Especial  adj. Notable. [latin: related to *special]

Especially  adv. 1 in particular. 2 much more than in other cases. 3 particularly.


Esperanto  n. An artificial language designed for universal use. [latin spero hope]

Espionage  n. Spying or use of spies. [french: related to *spy]

Esplanade  n. 1 long open level area for walking on, esp. Beside the sea. 2 level space separating a fortress from a town. [latin planus level]

Espousal  n. 1 (foll. By of) espousing of (a cause etc.). 2 archaic marriage, betrothal.


Espouse  v. (-sing) 1 adopt or support (a cause, doctrine, etc.). 2 archaic a (usu. Of a man) marry. B (usu. Foll. By to) give (a woman) in marriage. [latin spondeo betroth]Ex-servicewoman  n. Woman formerly a member of the armed forces.


Extant  adj. Still existing. [latin ex(s)to exist]

Extemporaneous  adj. Spoken or done without preparation.  extemporaneously adv. [from *extempore]

Extemporary  adj. = *extemporaneous.  extemporarily adv.


Extempore  adj. & adv. Without preparation. [latin]

Extemporize  v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) improvise.  extemporization n.


Extend  v. 1 lengthen or make larger in space or time. 2 stretch or lay out at full length. 3 (foll. By to, over) reach or be or make continuous over a specified area. 4 (foll. By to) have a specified scope (permit does not extend to camping). 5 offer or accord (an invitation, hospitality, kindness, etc.). 6 (usu. Refl. Or in passive) tax the powers of (an athlete, horse, etc.).  extendible adj. (also extensible). [latin extendo -tens-: related to *tend1]

Extended family  n. Family including relatives living near.


Extended-play  adj. (of a gramophone record) playing for somewhat longer than most singles.


Extension  n. 1 extending or being extended. 2 part enlarging or added on to a main building etc. 3 additional part. 4 a subsidiary telephone on the same line as the main one. B its number. 5 additional period of time. 6 extramural instruction by a university or college.


Extensive  adj. 1 covering a large area. 2 far-reaching.  extensively adv. Extensiveness n. [latin: related to *extend]

Extent  n. 1 space over which a thing extends. 2 range, scope, degree. [anglo-french: related to *extend]

Extenuate  v. (often as extenuating adj.) Make (guilt or an offence) seem less serious by reference to another factor.  extenuation n. [latin tenuis thin]

Exterior  —adj. 1 of or on the outer side. 2 coming from outside. —n. 1 outward aspect or surface of a building etc. 2 outward demeanour. 3 outdoor scene in filming. [latin]

Exterminate  v. (-ting) destroy utterly (esp. A living thing).  extermination n. Exterminator n. [latin: related to *terminal]

External  —adj. 1 a of or on the outside or visible part. B coming from the outside or an outside source. 2 relating to a country's foreign affairs. 3 outside the conscious subject (the external world). 4 (of medicine etc.) For use on the outside of the body. 5 for students taking the examinations of a university without attending it. —n. (in pl.) 1 outward features or aspect. 2 external circumstances. 3 inessentials.  externality n. Externally adv. [latin externus outer]

Externalize  v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) give or attribute external existence to.  externalization n.


Extinct  adj. 1 that has died out. 2 a no longer burning. B (of a volcano) that no longer erupts. 3 obsolete. [latin ex(s)tinguo -stinct- quench]

Extinction  n. 1 making or becoming extinct. 2 extinguishing or being extinguished. 3 total destruction or annihilation.


Extinguish  v. 1 cause (a flame, light, etc.) To die out. 2 destroy. 3 terminate. 4 wipe out (a debt).  extinguishable adj.


Extinguisher  n. = *fire extinguisher.


Extirpate  v. (-ting) root out; destroy completely.  extirpation n. [latin ex(s)tirpo from stirps stem of tree]

Extol  v. (-ll-) praise enthusiastically. [latin tollo raise]

Extort  v. Obtain by coercion. [latin torqueo tort- twist]

Extortion  n. 1 act of extorting, esp. Money. 2 illegal exaction.  extortioner n. Extortionist n.


Extortionate  adj. (of a price etc.) Exorbitant.  extortionately adv.


Extra  —adj. Additional; more than usual or necessary or expected. —adv. 1 more than usually. 2 additionally (was charged extra). —n. 1 extra thing. 2 thing for which an extra charge is made. 3 person engaged temporarily for a minor part in a film. 4 special issue of a newspaper etc. 5 cricket run scored other than from a hit with the bat. [probably from *extraordinary]

Extra-  comb. Form 1 outside, beyond. 2 beyond the scope of. [latin extra outside]Extra-  comb. Form 1 outside, beyond. 2 beyond the scope of. [latin extra outside]

Extra cover  n. Cricket 1 fielding position on a line between cover-point and mid-off, but beyond these. 2 fielder at this position.


Extract  —v. 1 remove or take out, esp. By effort or force. 2 obtain (money, an admission, etc.) Against a person's will. 3 obtain (a natural resource) from the earth. 4 select or reproduce for quotation or performance. 5 obtain (juice etc.) By pressure, distillation, etc. 6 derive (pleasure etc.). 7 find (the root of a number). —n. 1 short passage from a book etc. 2 preparation containing a concentrated constituent of a substance (malt extract). [latin traho tract- draw]

Extraction  n. 1 extracting or being extracted. 2 removal of a tooth. 3 lineage, descent (of indian extraction). [latin: related to *extract]

Extractive  adj. Of or involving extraction.


Extractor  n. 1 person or machine that extracts. 2 (attrib.) (of a device) that extracts bad air etc.


Extracurricular  adj. Not part of the normal curriculum.


Extraditable  adj. 1 liable to extradition. 2 (of a crime) warranting extradition.


Extradite  v. (-ting) hand over (a person accused or convicted of a crime) to the foreign state etc. In which the crime was committed.  extradition n. [french: related to *tradition]

Extramarital  adj. (esp. Of sexual relations) occurring outside marriage.


Extramural  adj. Additional to normal teaching or studies, esp. For non-resident students.


Extraneous  adj. 1 of external origin. 2 (often foll. By to) a separate from the object to which it is attached etc. B irrelevant, unrelated. [latin extraneus]

Extraordinary  adj. 1 unusual or remarkable. 2 unusually great. 3 (of a meeting, official, etc.) Additional; specially employed.  extraordinarily adv. [latin]

Extrapolate  v. (-ting) (also absol.) Calculate approximately from known data etc. (others which lie outside the range of those known).  extrapolation n. [from *extra-, *interpolate]

Extrasensory  adj. Derived by means other than the known senses, e.g. By telepathy.


Extraterrestrial  —adj. Outside the earth or its atmosphere. —n. (in science fiction) being from outer space.


Extravagant  adj. 1 spending money excessively. 2 excessive; absurd. 3 costing much.  extravagance n. Extravagantly adv. [latin vagor wander]

Extravaganza  n. 1 spectacular theatrical or television production. 2 fanciful literary, musical, or dramatic composition. [italian]

Extreme  —adj. 1 of a high, or the highest, degree (extreme danger). 2 severe (extreme measures). 3 outermost. 4 on the far left or right of a political party. 5 utmost; last. —n. 1 (often in pl.) Either of two things as remote or as different as possible. 2 thing at either end. 3 highest degree. 4 math. First or last term of a ratio or series.  go to extremes take an extreme course of action. In the extreme to an extreme degree.  extremely adv. [french from latin]

Extreme unction  n. Last rites in the roman catholic and orthodox churches.


Extremist  n. (also attrib.) Person with extreme views.  extremism n.


Extremity  n. (pl. -ies) 1 extreme point; very end. 2 (in pl.) The hands and feet. 3 condition of extreme adversity. [latin: related to *extreme]

Extricate  v. (-ting) (often foll. By from) free or disentangle from a difficulty etc.  extricable adj. Extrication n. [latin tricae perplexities]

Extrinsic  adj. 1 not inherent or intrinsic. 2 (often foll. By to) extraneous; not belonging.  extrinsically adv. [latin extrinsecus outwardly]Extrovert  —n. 1 outgoing person. 2 person mainly concerned with external things. —adj. Typical of or with the nature of an extrovert.  extroversion n. Extroverted adj. [latin verto turn]

Extrude  v. (-ding) 1 (foll. By from) thrust or force out. 2 shape metal, plastics, etc. By forcing them through a die.  extrusion n. Extrusive adj. [latin extrudo -trus- thrust out]

Exuberant  adj. 1 lively, high-spirited. 2 (of a plant etc.) Prolific. 3 (of feelings etc.) Abounding.  exuberance n. Exuberantly adv. [latin uber fertile]

Exude  v. (-ding) 1 ooze out. 2 emit (a smell). 3 display (an emotion etc.) Freely.  exudation n. [latin sudo sweat]

Exult  v. Be joyful.  exultation n. Exultant adj. Exultantly adv. [latin ex(s)ulto from salio salt- leap]

-ey  var. Of *-y2.


Eye  —n. 1 organ of sight. 2 eye characterized by the colour of the iris (has blue eyes). 3 region round the eye (eyes swollen from weeping). 4 (in sing. Or pl.) Sight. 5 particular visual ability (a straight eye). 6 thing like an eye, esp.: a a spot on a peacock's tail. B a leaf bud of a potato. 7 calm region at the centre of a hurricane etc. 8 hole of a needle. —v. (eyes, eyed, eyeing or eying) (often foll. By up) watch or observe closely, esp. Admiringly or with suspicion.  all eyes watching intently. An eye for an eye retaliation in kind. Have an eye for be discerning about. Have one's eye on wish or plan to procure. Have eyes for be interested in; wish to acquire. Keep an eye on 1 watch. 2 look after. Keep an eye open (or out) (often foll. By for) watch carefully. Keep one's eyes open (or peeled or skinned) watch out; be on the alert. Make eyes (or sheep's eyes) (foll. By at) look amorously or flirtatiously at. One in the eye (foll. By for) disappointment or setback. See eye to eye (often foll. By with) agree. Set eyes on see. Up to the (or one's) eyes in deeply engaged or involved in. With one's eyes shut (or closed) with little effort. With an eye to with a view to. [old english]

Eyeball  —n. Ball of the eye within the lids and socket. —v. Us slang look or stare (at).


Eyeball to eyeball  adv. Colloq. Confronting closely.


Eyebath  n. Small vessel for applying lotion etc. To the eye.


Eyebright  n. Plant used as a remedy for weak eyes.


Eyebrow  n. Line of hair on the ridge above the eye-socket.  raise one's eyebrows show surprise, disbelief, or disapproval.


Eye-catching  adj. Colloq. Striking.


Eyeful  n. (pl. -s) colloq. 1 (esp. In phr. Get an eyeful (of)) good look; as much as the eye can take in. 2 visually striking person or thing. 3 thing thrown or blown into the eye.


Eyeglass  n. Lens to assist defective sight.


Eyehole  n. Hole to look through.


Eyelash  n. Each of the hairs growing on the edges of the eyelids.


Eyelet  n. 1 small hole for string or rope etc. To pass through. 2 metal ring strengthening this. [french oillet from latin oculus]

Eyelid  n. Either of the folds of skin closing to cover the eye.


Eye-liner  n. Cosmetic applied as a line round the eye.


Eye-opener  n. Colloq. Enlightening experience; unexpected revelation.


Eyepiece  n. Lens or lenses to which the eye is applied at the end of an optical instrument.

Eye-shade  n. Device to protect the eyes, esp. From strong light.

Eye-shadow  n. Coloured cosmetic applied to the eyelids.

Eyesight  n. Faculty or power of seeing.

Eyesore  n. Ugly thing.

Eye strain  n. Fatigue of the eye muscles.

Eye-tooth  n. Canine tooth in the upper jaw just under the eye.

Eyewash  n. 1 lotion for the eyes. 2 slang nonsense; insincere talk.

Eyewitness  n. Person who saw a thing happen and can tell of it.

Eyrie  n. 1 nest of a bird of prey, esp. An eagle, built high up. 2 house etc. Perched high up. [french aire lair, from latin agrum piece of ground]

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